Ready to Score a Touchdown?

‘Tis the football season which makes it the perfect opportunity to score a touchdown with some football-themed teaching resources. Does the number 166 mean anything to you? Well, I can tell you that it’s the number of football-related teaching resources you can find at A few of those teaching resources are included below. Click…

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In the MOOOOOOD for a Giveaway?

  The “First Friday” in June + National Dairy Month = a MOO-nificent giveaway at The Mailbox Blog! What more can I say? To enter simply leave your answer to the question below before midnight June 16, 2019. You’ll be entered to win an adorable plush cow pal, a story collection DVD featuring FOUR stories by…

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Have You Seen This Poster?

Isn’t this Helpfulness poster adorable? It’s just one poster from a set of twelve kindness posters that is available to download FOR FREE from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. The foundation has also provided printable monthly calendars like the one you see below. And yes—they are FREE too—and can be found below the middle…

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