Ready to Score a Touchdown?

‘Tis the football season which makes it the perfect opportunity to score a touchdown with some football-themed teaching resources. Does the number 166 mean anything to you? Well, I can tell you that it’s the number of football-related teaching resources you can find at A few of those teaching resources are included below. Click…

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Connecting with Your Kiddos

This morning, a local news personality spilled the beans—summer vacation for students and teachers is more than halfway over. Whaaaat? Say it isn’t so! One of the great things about teaching, in my opinion, is the fresh start of a brand-new school. I like that “clean slate” feeling.  I also totally love getting to know…

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Thank you, Ronald Reagan

I am neither a history buff nor a political pundit; however, I must give kudos to the United States president who designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day. President Ronald Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these two events with “appropriate ceremonies and…

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