Tic-Tac-Toe Return

Here is the scenario: You haven’t seen your students in over a week, and they have a whole lot they want to share with you and with each other. You really want to learn about each child’s holiday; however, you also know there just isn’t time for everyone to share. Sound like your classroom? Then try this! Ask each kiddo to draw a large tic-tac-toe grid (or a four-box grid for the younger crew) on paper and fill each section of the grid with a written or illustrated account of a favorite memory from his time away from school. Set aside time for students to share their grids with each other or invite each student to share with the class a favorite memory or two from his grid. And there’s more! Each kiddo has several fun topics to write about and a series of events for a unique sequencing activity. Gotta love it!




One thought on “Tic-Tac-Toe Return

  1. I have been out an extra 2 weeks recovering from surgery since the holidays. This will be a great idea to use when I return because I know they will all have lots to share with me! Thanks!

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