Teachers Expect the Unexpected

That’s right, my first major assignment of the day today was killing a rather sizable spider stalking a coworker. Let’s not debate whether the spider could have been captured and released into the wild. I believe this big creepy-crawly had been born in captivity, as it were, a lifelong resident of the nooks and crannies of The Mailbox and surrounding offices. And now, no matter how hard I try, I cannot find a reference to “arachnid extinguishing” in my job description.

Then again, the daily comings-and-goings of teachers is similar. How much of a teacher’s day can be filled with tasks not on your job description? Janitorial service, emergency medical first-responder, mental health care, family counseling, transportation coordination, interior design, administrative management, hall monitor!

I’ve got a little secret to share with you that can make the teacher part of your life a lot easier. Yep, it’s MyMAILBOX Idea Center Gold. It’ll make lesson planning and classroom management the easiest part of your day. All of our monthly forms, hundreds of classroom management tips and tools, and access to over ten years of creative and fun learning activities from the pages of The Mailbox and Teacher’s Helper magazines, not to mention access to the best support team of fellow teachers ready to answer your vexing professional questions at our exclusive Solutions blog!

So check out MyMAILBOX Idea Center Gold. And while you’re here, tell us the most unexpected thing you’ve ever done in your role as a teacher.

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