Teachers Expect the Unexpected

That’s right, my first major assignment of the day today was killing a rather sizable spider stalking a coworker. Let’s not debate whether the spider could have been captured and released into the wild. I believe this big creepy-crawly had been born in captivity, as it were, a lifelong resident of the nooks and crannies…

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Are You Ready for Your Guest Host?

There’s a nasty late-winter cold making its way through the offices of The Mailbox right now. I hope I am one of the last ones to suffer from it, for it is surely insufferable. Somewhere along the line, this particular beast was dubbed The Crud. The Crud leaves you coughing, sniffling, achy, irritable, tired, and…

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202 Ways to End the School Year

When big-name Hollywood entertainers talk about the ends of their careers, they often talk about “going out on top.” Of course, some movie stars see their careers terminated by foolish personal transgressions, and some television stars see their winning careers turn into losing propositions in the time it takes to appear on a third-rate radio…

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