The Price of Smart

I like smart. I think there’s nothing better. One common indicator of smart in some circles tends to be the advanced degree. I’m not saying it is an accurate or fair measure of smart. It also could be a measure of perseverance or foolishness or uncertainty, right? Not long ago, however, teachers began to be…

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One Crazy Summer Professional Development Post

As long as we’re talking about summer—and who isn’t?—let’s talk about your plans for professional development. When I was a teacher active in the classroom, I was privileged to be living and working close to Boston, Massachusetts. For those of you who don’t know, there are about 714 colleges and universities in Boston (or so…

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What Is the Shape of Your Summer?

You know what I always wanted to do? Teach summer school. Despite the trials, tribulations, triumphs, and trickery of teaching an entire, standard-length school year, there was a sizable chunk of my addled brain that wanted to teach summer school. In fact, a few times I had constructed entire designs for a special summer academy…

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