Happy Heart Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m hoping each and every teacher in the whole wide world is feeling the love today. All of us here at The Mailbox send each of you heartfelt wishes for a happy day and a ginormous “Thank You!” for all that you do. 

I wish I could send each of you new markers and a chunk of chocolate. Since I can’t pull that off, I have a short funny that was recently shared by one of my colleagues. Her two adorable boys are pictured here with their one-year old pup, Miss Molly. Both are in school and both have homework every night. One evening, while both mom and dad were busy, one brother got a clever idea! Maybe Alexa, Amazon’s virtual assistant, could provide the answers to his math homework! It turned out to be a brilliant idea. He finished his homework with meteoric speed and it was 100% correct! Ingenious, or so he thought. Mom, however, quickly caught wind of what was going on and Alexa was nonchalantly placed out of earshot. :+)

Maybe one day virtual assistants will be able to write sub plans—or lesson plans!

Do you have a virtual assistant story to share?
Maybe you use a virtual assistant in your classroom.
I’d love to hear from you!

Have a happy heart!

PS: There are just a few days left to enter this month’s First Friday Giveaway! Don’t delay! Click here to enter today!

2 thoughts on “Happy Heart Day!

  1. I don’t own a virtual assistant or have any stories. However I would love it if there was a way to my computer automatically fill in my weekly lesson plans. That would be so much appreciated.

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