Zapping Test Stress

Haven’t times changed? As a kid in elementary school, I only stressed over weekly spelling tests. And that was really only in fourth grade. My teacher loved telling that class about the student who earned 100% on every fourth-grade spelling test—my older sister. Ugh! I so wanted to measure up to my sis. Since spell-checker is my BFF, you can imagine how well that went!

But getting back to the test-related stress felt by today’s teachers and students: a couple of days ago, Krystle, a colleague of mine, shared what I think is a unique and effective way of reducing test anxiety. As a fourth-grade teacher, she named her end-of-the-year tests the “show what you know” tests and presented each one as an opportunity for her students to show off everything they learned during the school year! This positive approach settled her students’ nerves and increased their confidence. Parents enthusiastically embraced this creative stress buster too!

Thinking of you,


13 thoughts on “Zapping Test Stress

  1. If the kids see that you are confident in their ability they will be confident. Also, I have heard that peppermint helps the brain. Has anyone else heard this? Thanks!

  2. I have heard that peppermint does help the brain during test time. I once did a little pep rally the day before the test. I think it changed the attitude toward the test. Students didn’t dread taking the test as much.
    When I taught 2nd grade we had Reading Buddies in the 4th grade. When it came to test time for the 4th graders my students made good luck signs that their buddies hung on their desk during test time. I also gave one to the teacher.

  3. One of my professors in college said that when she taught, she used specific smells (like spices or a candle) during test prep and then recreated the smells during actual testing. I thought that was very interesting! She said it set a good environment.

  4. I love the idea of show what you know day. Teaching preschool of course we do not have tests but when I am working with a child and the Parent is around ohh do they get stressed. I think I am just going to say they are showing me what they know. Thanks

  5. We always do exercises before we start a special paper. My preschooler love getting more oxygen to their brains.. they say they feel much brainier!!!!

  6. I didn’t know that peppermint helps the brain. That’s interesting! I like tha idea of a pep rally before a test!

  7. I have given peppermints before a test. I have also given lemon drops. I heard the color purple is a stress buster. I use to copy my tests on purple paper. The kids always thought it was so cool!

    Thanks for the spelling test laugh. I, too, love my spell check! I alwasy hated those spelling tests!

  8. I liked the idea of putting the test on purple paper. I never thought of that but with my students that might work because it many not be as intemidating for them.

  9. I am lucky enough to be at a high technology school where all of my students have wireless laptops. My students love taking tests on their computers. We also have clickers to take multiple choice tests on our interwrite board. We of course are still faced with state-wide standardized testing. The first session was not offered electronically and was the written part. My students were given peppermints and starburts/tootsie rolls as “Thinking Food”. I have also heard that peppermint is good for test taking as well as the chewing action. The principal wouldn’t allow gum so we opted for the others instead.

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