Yippee for You!

It’s Wednesday, and this means our Teacher Appreciation (TEAPP) Week prize frenzy is in full swing! To be entered in today’s prize giveaway, post your comment at this blog no later than midnight (EDT) Sunday, May 13. The winner will be announced on Monday, May 14.

On the third day of TEAPP Week
The Mailbox offered me
Three theme kits,
Two Mailbox books, and
A really cool calendar!

To be entered in a drawing for three of our theme kits (you pick!),
tell us your favorite subject, topic, or theme to teach!

Love ya!

60 thoughts on “Yippee for You!

  1. My favorite theme to teach is Color Me Healthy. This theme allows me to teach colors using foods we eat. I also try to bring in foods that the students may not have seen before or haven’t tried. For red I bring in a red pear, for orange I bring in papaya, for yellow I bring in yellow squash, for green I bring in baby brussel sprouts, for blue/purple I bring in a purple potato. I also bring in a variety of forms for foods. Dried tomatoes, a tomato, and tomato juice so that the students can see the different forms the food can come in. The students are allowed to explore the inside and outside of the food in my sensory table including a magnifying glass, and at the end of the unit we have a taste testing of these foods. This year I went a step further and made a corresponding rainbow on my classroom wall and allowed the students to add pictures of the foods as we do the specific colors.

  2. I love to teach about insects. We dress the kids up as insects, make bugs and look at bugs under the magnifying glass, and those fun bug hunts.

    At the end of year I always let the kids decide what we are doing and its always dressing up as insects.

  3. My favorite subject is Ohio History. I love changing the students attitude about history. They think it is boring! I show them how fun it can be. We conclude the year with an ABC Book of Ohio. They learn how to break the writing process into steps, how to correctly research and write information in their own words, pace themselves so they’re not waiting until the last moment to complete the project, and how to WOW the teacher with facts she may not know! 🙂 They also complete a state bookmark, a travel brochure, and more. Love this subject!

  4. My favorite theme to teach is Farms. I have lots of ideas to go along with farm animals. We sing 2 cool songs about “The Three Little Pigs”. I teach Early Childhood Special Education (some have Autism) We do “Three Pigs Blues” they wear sunglasses and build with hay(shredded paper) sticks(little wood blocks),and bricks(cardboard blocks. The wolf steps on a step stool to go down the chimney. The children love it!!! I video tape it after practicing for a couple of weeks (3 times a day) and show with my slide show at the end of the year. It’s great!!!!

  5. I love teaching young children to read! It is especially fun when they are reading about a topic that really interests them!

  6. I never ever thought I would say this, but math has become my favorite subject to teach! You can make it so much more hands-on these days and the kids love using maniupulatives! I’m lucky enough right now to have quite a few kiddos that just “get” math really quickly and it is fun to challenge them and watch their excitement and passion for the subject.

  7. My favorite subject to teach is reading!! I love to watch my kindergarteners learning how to read! They are so fun to watch and see how excited they get about being “BIG” and reading like they see their parents and brothers and sisters!!

  8. My favorite subject to teach is Social Studies. I love teaching it, but it is a challenge to find resources. I use the internet extensively to find good material for teaching. I also try to find good reading books to use to help connect reading with Social Studies. The textbooks are generally not of much use. It takes a great deal of time to come up with good lessons, but it is well worth it.

  9. My favorite theme to teach is Native Cultures. In this unit we learn about who and where we are in place and time. The students create such lovely native crafts and they are awakened to the fact that many cultures are similar around the world.

  10. I think my favorite thing to teach is actually math. To find silly ways to make the numbers stick is so … so great… I love coming up with different games for them to learn math …

  11. Literacy-I absolutely love teaching reading. It’s an amazing feeling to open up a new world for the children.

  12. I enjoy teaching reading, but a theme I like to work with is environments. It’s great to get kids thinking about animal adaptations and environmental influences on the people in those areas.

  13. I love reading and math! I love the holidays – especially Christmas! It is so fun to teach about the different traditions! I also love teaching about the Ocean and the different levels.

  14. I LOVE teaching geometry, especially in the 5th grade. All of the prior units start to add up and make sense in their minds which leads to my favorite “ah-ha!” moments. I teach special education math as both inclusion and small group, so these moments mean the world to me!

  15. I love teaching Mathematics as in the summer I teach 2nd grade remedial math. During the year I teach Preschool, and I love the Christmas season and doing all our Christmas crafts. I try to teach the children that it means more to give than to receive.

  16. This is really hard! As a preschool teacher we teach by theme and everything letters, books, numbers, shapes we somehow work them all in somehow – I am a huge outdoor girl so my classroom theme is the 3 day “Fourest”(misspelled intentionally) but that and rainforest and ocean week are my favorite. We do a whole week on Farm and study shapes – I use Lois Elherts Color Farm book. I added some new themes this year and loved them as well – science is really cool to see the kids eyes light up!

  17. I love to teach the JK/SK class all about community helpers. They have so much fun role playing and I love to hear what everyone wants to be when they grow up. They are always amazed when they discover that I am a community helper too!

  18. My favorite subject to teach is reading. I love the children faces when they catch on and make connections. As the year progresses and the children move from questioning what they are reading to reading on their own leaves a satisfying feeling!

  19. It changes over the years depending on how much the kids get interested in it. Currently I am working on the theme Wild Animals and we have been having a great time. So right now Wild Animals is my favorite theme.

  20. I teach Preschool which means I teach everything. I must say my favorite theme to teach is dinosaurs. Every year I always have a student who can teach me more than I can teach them, LOL:)

  21. For me, I like teaching around the holidays and seasons! I love to take any topic the kids are interested in and turn it into a cross curricular unit, connecting their interests and learning!

  22. I love to teach the theme of insects/bugs because when we talk about the butterfly and how it changes, the children get excited. Then we have real catapillars in the classroom that the kids can watch and see how the butterfly really comes to life!!! It is such a wonderful experience to share!!

  23. I have so many favorite themes that I teach in my preschool classroom. I especially love teaching about the ocean, wild animals, and pond (frogs).

  24. I am a preschool teacher and I really enjoy teaching on Insects. The kids really enjoy the theme as well.

  25. I love to teach my students about math. It is such a struggle for many of my special needs students. I love the challenge of unlocking concepts for them. The possibilities are endless on how that happens!


  26. I love to teach Social Studies and Math. My favorite part of Social Studies is working with my students to discover the history of their city along with their family heritage. With Math I enjoy it all, but really enjoy working on Multiplication.

  27. 2s2s2s my favorite teachable moments happen when we can sit down and share a book together, and we can act it out or make up a song or find an art project within its pages.

  28. I am a third grade teacher. I love teaching Math, especially multiplication. Multiplication is usually taught for the first time in third grade so it is so exciting watching their faces as they learn.

    My favorite theme to teach is the Solar System in Science. I like to connect literature with the Science.

  29. My favorite thing to teach is learning how to read and learning how to love yourself and be proud of your accomplishments. I teach special education and many of my students have low self-esteem. I love being able to really assist the development of the complete child and watch the children blossom.

  30. I teach preschool and we use a theme based curriculum. My favorite subject is definitely science. We are currently on our Zoo Clues theme and we are having a wild time! I also can’t wait to start teaching our next theme on insects. Our caterpillars arrived yesterday and the children were so excited. I purchased really cute bug collecting kits from the Dollar Tree and oversized nets and magnifying lenses. We will also make cute bug crafts and masks for the children to wear. I just LOVE teaching!

  31. I love to teach using books and my favorite is Eric Carle. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is the best and you can teach so many skills with this book. Days of the week, food groups, counting and etc.

  32. I love teaching Language Arts to kindergarteners. I love it when they realize that letters make sounds and then words! I love hearing them read for the first time and realize that they can read!

  33. I love teaching Math because I always had trouble with math in school and I love finding ways to help my students understand the lessons.

  34. I enjoy watching my 4th graders perform science experiments! It’s so exciting to see how engaged they are during our in-class science lab time. My favorite unit is force in motion, electricity & magnets. It’s during this time that students can really find their passion or joy for science and that isn’t something that happens in all classrooms.

  35. I love teaching science. It is great to see them go from an attitude that science is boring to becoming interested and striving to find out more. Each year I find 1 or 2 budding scientists in my class that just want to keep learning more about the science topics we are covering.
    This year we did an elementary science fair (for the first time in quite a while) and the kids were so excited to plan and carry out their experiments.

  36. I love to teach what the kids are interested in. i love to see what the kids come up with and what they want to learn about. If they are excited about a subject, they make me excited about the subject or theme.

  37. That is so hard to choose!! 🙂 Okay, if I must….I absolutely love to teach Social Studies/History. I love to do lots of projects and hands on type learning with my kids, and Social Studies is the perfect medium to integrated all subject areas and skill levels of learning. I also love that it is an area where kids can make so many real-life connections which enhances their levels of learning. With 5th grade, I would have to say that my favorite topic in Social Studies would be the Revolutionary War era. 🙂

  38. Oh, my…should have proofed my comment! Please forgive the typos!! Tried to correct it, but couldn’t find a way to do so…so sorry!! 🙂

  39. I love teaching about the ocean! Learning about different ocean animals is so much fun for the kids!

  40. I love to teach Bible; the kids love it, too!
    I love to read a picture book, then give the kids a writing assignment based on the book. Some of my favorites are Good Night, Moon; The Very Hungry Caterpillar; and Go, Dog. Go! I planned lessons around these stories after field trips to see them performed at the theatre.

  41. Science in preK is always a ton of fun. They are so excited to see what happens “next” and it is amazing to see what connections or ideas they will come up with.

  42. My favorite subject to teach is ELA. I especially love the creative writing topics we do, because each day we go over another writing trait– characterization, setting, imagery, etc– and then the kids write a short piece focusing on that– they are so creative!! The best part is at the end of the unit when the kids make one great big writing piece using all the elements we studied. We go all out on this– typing, illustrating etc– and then we take the stories and read them to younger kids. It’s great seeing the pride in the budding “authors” as the younger kids listen intently. 🙂

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