Wild About What?

I was reminded last night of the influence media has on us. The television spot I caught had to do with archery and how interest in this sport has risen right along with the popularity of The Hunger Games. Now, you won’t find me shooting arrows at a stack of hay. However, I say more power to those who are taking an interest in the sport. It’s active. It’s done outdoors. And, much to my surprise, there’s quite a community of archers!

So this has me wondering, what’s the latest craze among your students?

Always curious,

4 thoughts on “Wild About What?

  1. Many of my boys are into airsoft guns and paintball. My girls seem to be pretty traditional with their interests ranging from competitive swim to softball, and the ever popular horses. I’m interested to see if any of them take up archery because of the hunger games. Several have read the books and are constantly buzzing about them.

  2. Good Morning,

    I live in a small Eskimo village, so in some ways options are limited. However, ptarmigan hunting with 22s is the rage with our middle school boys. Basketball is hands down the favorite sport that kids and alumni are crazy about. Given that the outdoor temps are often 30 and 40 below zero, the gym is a warm place and basketball is the king of sports.

  3. My class is very into dancing. They would dance all day if I let them. LOL> Great for me though because its good excerise.

  4. My kids are really into the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series lately. They’re also crazy about Japanese erasers. It’s fun to see what comes and goes from year to year!

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