Why School?

busMy great-niece Elise, who is all of seven years old, recently asked her dad why she must go to school. When he responded “to learn,” she promptly informed him that she already knew all her letters and numbers so staying in school was simply a waste of her time. Her dad, slightly amused, offered examples of the kinds of things she could look forward to learning in school. Elise, still steadfast in her decision to bag the whole school scene, wasn’t interested in learning about any those things. Then her dad explained that when people get out of school, they get jobs. This did the trick. Thankfully, Elise has decided to stay in school for the time being.

I’m hopeful Elise will soon discover the joy of learning. Who knows? It’s quite possible she already loves to learn; she may simply enjoy learning in a way that is different from what she is currently being offered. How do you keep your students excited about learning? What tips do you have for keeping students who are less interested in school engaged?

Eager to hear from you!



3 thoughts on “Why School?

  1. I plan curriculum activities according to what the children show an interest in. I also rotate materials, toys, and classroom centers to spark new learning. The children are motivated when they are given new play activities daily ~ I LOVE providing a variety of fun sensory/water table activities.

  2. I make it a habit to ask my kiddos what they want to learn about once a month. As of late it has been dolphins and squirrels. I make sure I throw something in everyday that fits their inerests be it a book or a craft. If you look for resources on what they are interested in you cna find it. I find my day goes much better and they are more focused by doing this.

  3. I teach, then interject a 2-3 minute brain break activity: 5 Little Ducks, a 2-minute You-Tube video, a quick game of Mother May I. Students are anxious to earn a certificate of accomplishment as they can read a given passage in a limited time or recite math facts.

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