What’s Your Spelling Bee Story? Share and Win This Book

You may have read that last week’s Scripps National Spelling Bee had eight co-winners. EIGHT! The bee ran out of challenge words before it ran out of contestants. Incredible.

That reminded me of my own spelling bee stories, like the year I couldn’t decide if debut had an e at the end (oops). Words like omphalopsychite and erysipelas (both real spelling bee words) weren’t even on the horizon.

What word tripped you up during your spelling bee days? What word do you still rely on spell check to fix? (Update: Congratulations to Carrie, our lucky winner!) Share it by Thursday, June 20, to be included in our random drawing. One lucky teacher will win the just-released Jasper & Ollie (Doubleday Books for Young Readers). In this sweet story Jasper the fox can’t slow down, and Ollie the sloth can’t speed up. But together they’re just right.

Here are some just-right summer learning opportunities to share with students and families or to try out at your house.

Give students access to thousands of books all summer—all free—through Capstone Interactive. Set up your account here; you’ll receive a username and password to share and a send-home letter.

After some reading time, get kids up and moving with the GoNoodle GoSummer challenge. Once kids log 15 million minutes of movement and mindfulness, GoNoodle will unlock a new GoNoodle character. Join the fun (all free) at GoNoodle.com or download the app.

Welcome to Bookopolis! With a free membership, kids can search books, make and find recommendations, and earn badges. Check out the Summer Reading program; kids can earn a free book.

Sounds like the makings of a learning-filled, action-packed summer!


PS: Wondering what omphalopsychite and erysipelas mean? Get ready; an omphalopsychite is someone who stares at his or her navel to go into a trance, and erysipelas is a type of skin infection. Now you know!

25 thoughts on “What’s Your Spelling Bee Story? Share and Win This Book

  1. 6th grade spelling bee i spelled the word necessary wrong and was so upset with myself because I knew all of the spelling words after that and probably would have won the whole thing.

  2. The word, foreign, got me at my last spelling bee (8th grade?). The old saying, I before E except after C, messed me up. Now, I use spell check for all kinds of words.

  3. I am sad reading all these responses because I don’t have a spelling bee memory. But I do love all the school house rock videos and I credit them for helping me remember spelling rules.

  4. I vividly remember my spelling bee days… I won the spelling bee every year.
    I would receive a medal, books, and chocolate treats.

  5. I remember spelling games within my 5th-grade class when I was in elementary school. The teacher would split the class in half, and the two halves would compete. I always had a blast. I miss those days.

  6. Ugh! I still remember. My word was “niece” and I spelled it “neice” because I got confused with the I before e rule. It kills me because I am a niece to my 3 uncles.

  7. Spelling bees were grades 4-8. I won the school spelling bee each year, but always messed up in the county spelling bee. The first year, anonymous was the word that got me.

  8. I remember spelling poltergeist wrong in a 7th grade spelling bee. Lol I spelled it as polterGHOST. I think my imagination thinking about poltergeists got the better of me.

  9. Spelling has never been my gift! There are too many exceptions to the rules! So spelling bees have been blocked from my memories☺️.

  10. I am amazed at the words those kids are able to spell. I never made it past the alternate stage. I seem to always get tripped up by conference.

  11. I was never a good speller. We didn’t have a Spelling Bee, but my 5th grade teacher had an incentive – if you got 100% on ten tests in a row you got to come to a special afterschool movie and popcorn party…..my teacher was young and handsome……
    My spelling difficulties ended m-i-r-a-c-u-l-o-u-s-l-y

  12. Loved spelling bees. I did great in the classroom but when it came to all school. Lol. I was 4th in line and the word was principle and all of us thought it was rincipal as the principal was giving us the words. Lol

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