


Seriously, what type of photo goes with this blog?! I decided to go with a vaguely disgusted look accompanied by the biggest bottle of hand sanitizer I could find.

Seriously, what type of photo goes with this blog?! I decided to go with a vaguely disgusted look accompanied by the biggest bottle of hand sanitizer I could find.

How many students have thrown up in your classroom so far this year? Oh, I know—it’s an icky topic. It’s so icky I had a dickens of a time trying to figure out what type of photo or graphic to use with this blog. There was one year, when I taught kindergarten, that I managed to have a different child throw up each day of the week. It was a week that was memorable, and it makes for a really good story. But all in all, it’s not an experience I ever want to repeat. Ever.


Things can get pretty germy in a classroom! What do you do to help your youngsters (and yourself) stay healthy? Are you wearing a hazmat suit and bathing in hand sanitizer?


Sending you germ-free thoughts,


3 thoughts on “Urp!

  1. No flu yet but the URI are hitting hard. We require children to wash their hands before they enter the classroom, we also have a rule wash your hands before playing at the playdough table or in the sensory table. We have been doing this for a number of years and it sure cuts down on illness.
    As for me I get a flu shot every year without fail.
    I think you should of wore a haz mat suit in the picture Kim. LOL

    • If I had one handy, I would totally slap that thing on for a photo! It’s clear that I don’t mind putting goofy photos of myself on the blog. 🙂

  2. I have a rule that I teach my children the first day of school. It they think they are going to throw up, they are to immediately run to the bathroom. They are not to ask permission or pause in any way. It someone is in the restroom, they are to stand over the garbage can until the bathroom is free. If they forget this and they tell me they think they are going to throw up, I tell them to run to the bathroom and I’ll write a clinic slip while they are in there. Then I give them a plastic bag to carry with them as they walk to the office in case they get sick on the way. Since doing that, I have not have one student throw up anywhere besides the garbage can or toilet. Such a nice change.

    As for staying healthy, all students are told to wash their hands frequently and use hand sanitizer before going on the computers or any other shared items.

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