Too Shy!

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I can build on this!

I was a terribly shy child. So when I was in the classroom I had a difficult time speaking up to ask questions or to add my thoughts to a discussion. As a result, I think I missed out on a lot of learning. I had similar children in my classroom when I taught, and I bet you have some students with these characteristics as well. To help out your quiet ones and increase attentiveness, try implementing nonverbal signals! Nonverbal signals give students a chance to mention that they want to add some information, are confused, or agree enthusiastically without having to open up their mouths.

I found a terrific article about nonverbal signals here, but I think that adding all six of the signals mentioned can end up being a bit confusing. (Let’s be honest—we’re adults, and half the time we can’t remember to use our turn signal when we’re driving. Expecting nine-year-olds to remember six hand signals while absorbing information is a little unfair.) So here are my top three hand signals needed in the classroom:

I Agree When a student makes a comment and other youngsters are thinking the same thing, they can agree with a simple signal. Consider using this American Sign Language sign. 

I Can Build on This This one was included in the Edutopia article given in the second paragraph above. They can use this signal if they have something to add to what’s being said. Have students place one fist on top of the other as if they are building something.

I’m Confused This sign will be really helpful when checking for understanding! Consider using this American Sign Language sign. 


Do you use nonverbal signals in the classroom?


One thought on “Too Shy!

  1. I teach Kindergarten. So any movement in the classroom is seen as a victory by all students. If one person asks to go to the bathroom suddenly they all need to go. Since I do not have a restroom in my class I try to avoid the “bathroom parade” at all costs. I now have the students cross their fingers to show me they need the restroom. I look at the student and say go ahead that’s it.
    This has worked wonderfully!!!

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