Thanksgiving Follow Up


Are you eating leftovers?

Are you shopping for deals?

Are you watching football?

Are you putting up holiday decorations?

Hmmmm, what else could you be doing?

Certainly not school work (I hope)!

Tell us what you like to do on a day off from teaching, and this little penguin could be headed your way. Of course, I’ll fill it up with a few school supplies, something sweet, and a $20 gift certificate that you can use toward the purchase of a book or magazine from The Mailbox. Just be sure to leave your comment right here at the blog before Thursday, December 5! How’s that for a Black Friday surprise?



 Congratulations to Julie Smith! She is the winner of the Black Friday surprise!

77 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Follow Up

  1. I will be cooking a second Thanksgiving feast today for those who missed it yesterday. But thats ok because to me this weekend is about my family. But yes Thanksgiving night I did some work for school

  2. I did my Black Friday shopping last night, so I was able to sleep in this morning! Yes, I will be going some grading and lesson plans today, but I don’t mind. Tomorrow is our in-state rivalry game (ASU v UofA …. Go Devils!) so I will be able to enjoy tailgating and watching the game. Plus, I will be able to relax on Sunday and enjoy my grandparents last day here. 🙂

  3. Enjoy a cup of coffee and rest as much as I could. Then, started to think about new year resolution. After Thanksgiving, it’s the end of the year and going to be the beginning of next year.

  4. I am enjoying some quiet time at home, dogs asleep on the floor around me, coffee enjoyed, and online Black Friday shopping completed online! Now to just play some games online, chat with friends, and those lesson plans can be worked on another day!!

  5. A day off is a precious event. I cherish quiet time. I watched the morning news while leisurely enjoying my coffee. Then I finished crocheting baby booties for my soon to be born grandchild. Then there are the normal activities of housecleaning and cooking. Some Thanksgiving leftovers were transformed into turkey and wild rice soup. A day off is a good thing!

  6. I love to read romance novels. I just love to read, period. It takes me away to a place where no one or nothing can worry me. I also bought a new garage cabinet recently and organized all my school reading books as well as my Mailboxes and Teacher’s Helpers. I have 7 years of them so I still have some work to do on it!!!

  7. What I like to do and what i do are two different questions. I like to spend the day organizing school stuff, and sleeping in. What I usually end up doing are house chores, playing catch up with things and not a thing on my like to do list. 🙂

  8. I am not venturing out to fight the crowds for black Friday! I like staying in my warm cozy home enjoying the company of my family and our sweet little kitten!

  9. I cherish quiet time. I watched the morning news while leisurely enjoying my coffee. Then I finished crocheting baby booties for my soon to be born grandchild. Some Thanksgiving leftovers were transformed into turkey and wild rice soup. A day off is a good thing!

  10. I am enjoying making lasting memories and new traditions with my 20 month old daughter and husband! We will be putting up the tree, making sugar cookies, and reading the Elf on the Shelf book today (and putting the elf out tonight)!

  11. Spent the morning buying Christmas decorations for my classroom. Now, relaxing watching the Sword and the Stone with the family! I have vowed not to touch school work until Sunday!

  12. My days off are usually spent catching up on things around my apartment (housework=not so much fun) and planning for the week coming up. Now with the holidays, I try to find a little bit of me time to curl up on the couch and watch a good holiday hallmark movie 🙂 I find time for me because it ‘recharges my battery’ so I can go back to my students feeling refreshed!! 🙂

  13. I did laundry, some school planning, napping – and plan to head out to the barn to ride my horse. Have to get out there on a day off. Then, dinner with family – again. 🙂

  14. We are relaxing and watching hockey with my son who is home from college.
    i have a turkey in the oven since i was lucky enough not to have to cook yesterday

  15. Enjoying a cup of tea, looking for new ideas for my classroom while keeping my leg up… I just had knee surgery on Wednesday… I really enjoyed the mailbox $100 worth of books for $30 sale =)

  16. I thought it would be a good time to get some work done on my car, you know since everyone would be shipping or relaxing. Alot of people had the same idea as me. I ‘ m still waiting for my car. 🙁

  17. My daughter and her fiancé are coming home for just one weekend on Dec 13th. We will have Christmas early, so I am putting up the tree and decorating before I have to return to school.

  18. Eating turkey still check. Planning for next week check. Now officially ready to pack up the fall box. Gingerbread rocks!

  19. I am enjoying a quiet afternoon watching a favorite Scrooge movie, with my husband, something we don’t get to do often, and neither of us are talking about school! Tonight we will be remaking leftovers to try to entice the grandchildren to eat them up, and then going to my daughter’s home to help hang outside Christmas lights .

  20. I’m cleaning house and getting ready to cook for tomorrow. My family will be over Saturday for Thanksgiving. I love spending time with my family and getting a break from school.

  21. Right now, I am watching Christmas movies with a cup of hot chocolate. In a little bit, I will need to prepare for next week. I did get to do a little shopping, though.

  22. I am chilaxin’ on the couch with a cup of coffee and snuggling with my son and our puppy. I am feeling the love and taking it all in listening to holiday music…….. <3. Refreshing myself and enjoying my family time.

  23. I went shopping for the 18 children in my classroom.My wonderful husband was my assistant today. Presents was regular $125.00 with discount, discount came to a grand total $33.62. Love it

  24. A little of everything. Went out shopping late last night so gladly slept in this morning. Woke up, made a yummy breakfast and then took down all the Fall decorations, put up lots of Christmas outside decorations, shopped some more, dropped by school to put up some of the Christmas decorations (yea to Catholic Schools!) and came home to do a little more decorating, eat something and now out to the movies. (How’s that for a run on sentence?) But before we go, I am now catching up on Facebook . I love, love, love this long weekend!

  25. Today I did on-line Christmas shopping and ran a few errands . I avoid Black Friday sales, because people fight and do not show ” aloha”. I am cutting out things for my preschooler’s art projects, and watching a musical on TV. A nice day off from work .

  26. This break I have been trying my best to relax. I’ve been staying up late and sleeping in. However, my mind has not stopped thinking of cute lessons or crafts to do with my kindergarten class. During my window shopping I am thinking of and buying cute things for holiday bags for my kiddos and have been in Pintrest constantly. I can’t wait to get back to my kiddos and put all this thinking, planning and buying to work!

  27. I love sleeping a little later! My hubbie and I go and have coffee, read a newspaper and eat a breakfast item. Did some school work and worked on lesson plans. I love to VEG OUT! I looked for new ideas for my classroom! I was thankful for 2 days off! Yippee!

  28. Had Thanksgiving today with one of my sons! Been cooking all day but it sure was good! Now sipping an adult beverage and watching an old movie! Life is good!

  29. As my husband and my kids were out this afternoon, I did something that I RARELY get to do, I took a blissful nap! There will be plenty of time for lesson plans before the holiday weekend is over 😀

  30. On my days off I like to spend time with my nieces, they are both 11 months and 17 months old and there is no time like the moment to watch them grow. I spend my day with children, then stop by and spend time with at least one of the girls until 6 or 7pm before going home to my hubby. Once I get home I take care of a few things and then enjoy a relaxing evening by the fire. Sometimes I have to do school work, but I try not to!

  31. A day off from school is relaxing and fun, too. If I choose to work on school work, which I usually do, I’m able to do so at home and still be with my family.

  32. I will be spending my day with my children. Having fun and making memorable memories with family. Giving thanks for all that I have been blessed with. Also, planning lessons.

  33. I spent the day relaxing and unpacked a few more boxes. Now I think I have most unpacked. Did a little online shopping for good deals. Now its time to watch some Christmas movies with Hot Cocoa.

  34. Fortunately this year, since I just had foot surgery, my husband cooked most of the Thanksgiving dinner. We have a huge blended family so we have his family for dinner on Thursday and my family on Friday. We had 16 people and then 31 for dinner with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries corn and more. We are so grateful that everyone was able to come and they each brought a dish to share. Then tomorrow we will have time to get everything in the house back in order, maybe begin to put up the decorations for Christmas, and just relax.

  35. I usually start a day off by cleaning and catching up on much needed houshold chores. But then I look at my own kiddos and think “the house can wait”. Then I go “play” with them. 😀

  36. My kiddos were away, so I caught up in lessons and graduate school homework. I will have Thanksgiving when they are back on Sunday. Got lots of work done, though. That is always a blessing!! Thanks for your thoughtful blogs and freebies!!! Love your site!!!

  37. I spent the morning shopping with my daughter and future son in law. Then my grand daughter came over to spend the night. We watched Polar Express and had cookis and hot chocolate. And her elf on the shelf showed up while we slept. 🙂

  38. The day after Thanksgiving found me sewing. I have a lap quilt and 2 halves of a full size quilt to finish before Christmas. I finished, but not completed, the lap quilt. I started the first half of the full size quilt. Brrrrum went my machine.

  39. I will be relaxing and thanking God
    I got all my work
    done before I left work for the holidays
    AndI will do me some hot wings and fries
    And enjoy the Alabama and Auburn game ROLL TIDE ROLL

  40. I am relaxing and decorating my house for Christmas. I walked into town last night with friends to see the lights lit up for the first time and we saw Santa arrive on a fire engine.


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