Teacher Superpower Poll

Imagine this. Your parent group is giving you the gift of a single superpower for the next school year. So what power will you choose? Choose A, B, C, D, E, or come up with your own!

Eager to hear!


A. mind control—Just think of the learning that could be accomplished! You could also talk your school district or state into a hefty (and much deserved) pay raise.

B. superhuman speed—With this superpower, paperwork would be breeze. You’d be caught up all the time at school and at home.

C. power of echolocation—You could quickly retrieve any teaching idea or activity in a nanosecond. In addition, lost pencils, paperwork, and car keys would be a thing of the past.

D. power of telepathy—This one sounds a little scary to me. Yes, you could read everyone’s mind, but would you really want to?

E. superhuman endurance—Say goodbye to feeling tired! This superpower allows you to go, go, go without ever running out of energy.

F. otherDetails please! 🙂

9 thoughts on “Teacher Superpower Poll

  1. F. CommonCoreania
    (Or does that sound like an illness?)

    This superpower would allow me to telepathically spew out creative, fun, differentiated lesson plans that align with Pinterest as well as local, state and national common core standards in nanoseconds, sending them directly our school’s “new and improved” lesson-planning software. The software will type and print said lesson plans, and magically prep all of the materials needed as well! Imagine — there would possibly be some “free time” (whatever that is)! I could take up a hobby that does not relate to early childhood learning…

    Ironically I am typing this while listening to my daughter’s Pandora station. The FairyGodmother is singing Bibbity-Boppity-Boo. Seriously!!

  2. My friends and I recently did this and had a blast, debating which would be the best.

    As a teacher I would love the power of elasticity. This way I could stretch from one part of the room to any other with ease. Or, the power to bestow power upon students, so they could enhance memory and learning speed.

  3. Super powers….I already have these~just ask any of my students~they think I can see from the back of my head~ and they always wonder “how Mrs. Jan saw me do that”~ I always reply~ “oh that’s easy , I learned it in teacher school”~ they believe that I learned how to be wonder woman in teacher school….LOL

  4. My power would be Super fascination. The kids would be so fascinated with everything I say and do they would have a super focus on whatever I am teaching. The parents would all think I was great as would my bosses.

  5. ECHOLOCATION! Imagine the time I’d save if I could find everything the first time I looked for it! On the other hand, my kids love it when I ask, “Okay, who ate my clipboard?” – or cell phone, or Teacher’s Manual.

  6. I’d like to have super classroom management powers! It would be great to be Super Teacher of Behavior for ALL students…especially those special ones fo whom nothing seems to work.

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