Teacher Poll

It’s Friday. (Yippee!) I’m polling teachers. (Yippee!) If you take my poll, you’ll be entered in a giveaway. (Yip, yip, yippee!) Submit your answer to the poll before midnight ET Wednesday, February 13, and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a surprise Valentine’s Day giveaway. I’ll reveal the surprise on Valentine’s Day!

During the school week, what’s your favorite kitchen appliance?

a. crockpot
b. microwave
c. oven
d. spouse
e. car (Okay, it’s not a kitchen appliance, but using it either takes you to food or brings food to you!)
f. You tell me!

Cookin’ up a surprise,

Congratulations to Ricki and Dianne! Both of you are winners of the Valentine’s Day surprise!

127 thoughts on “Teacher Poll

  1. I cook two or three meals on Saturday using the crockpot and the oven. Since there are just two of us at home, that provides meals for us for most of the week. Then I can supplement those with eggs or something easy. No takeout for us, I am on a health kick!!

  2. I would have to say spouse. My husband does all the cooking and he is a great cook. He kicks me out of the kitchen. He cooks and I bake so I guess its even.

  3. I am a busy mom of 4 kids, we love the Crockpot at our house! After a stressful day, it is nice to have the food ready when we get home!

  4. Oh my I would have to say other, the microwave and the deli counter. I cook big meals on the weekends and we eat the leftovers during the week. I aslo throw sandwiches in there as well. Easier for me that way.

  5. My favorite is definitely the oven. Our had broken and I was without one for several months so I use it every chance I get now!

  6. Husband and car – He usually picks us up something already prepared from the grocery store or else we order take out.

  7. Spouse! He does the grocery shopping and puts in food that takes longer to cook. He also brings me dinner if I need to work late.

  8. The oven is my favorite kitchen appliance. It cooks and warms the kitchen after the heat has been turned down all day.

  9. Oven- I use it all the time from cooking lunch to making playdough to doing a science experiment. It is a must have for any preschool:)

  10. Can I say none of the above, we use our grill all the time. We have had to shove the snow to get to it sometimes but we always make a path! I guess if it’s not the grill then it would be the stove! We try to only eat out on the weekends, if then!
    Thanks, Jenny

  11. I am fortunate that my husband is a great cook. Because he is unemployed (which isn’t so great…lol), he does all of the cooking. I need to introduce him to the crock pot. Thank you for that idea!

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