Tagged as a Teacher

Does this happen to you too? A few Saturdays ago, after running errands for several hours, I decided to pick up dinner on my way home. I’m sure I was looking fairly tousled. I don’t remember exactly what I was wearing; however, my usual Saturday attire this time of year is tennis shoes, an oversize sweater, and some comfy pants. Oh, and on weekends I usually keep my contacts in their case and sport my spectacles. Anyway, I was paying for my takeout and making idle conversation with the cashier—a pleasant twenty-something male with a big grin and a few piercings—when he asked, “Are you a teacher?”

Whenever this has happened before, I have confirmed the person’s suspicion and then walked away wondering what it is about me that shouts, “I’m a teacher!” Is it the way I dress? Is it my mannerisms? What is it? This time, I asked.

“What makes you think I’m a teacher?” I inquired with a smile.

“Just a vibe,” the cashier replied.

There was no way I was letting that reply stay unexplained! “Good or bad?” I asked.

This is when the cashier flashed his big grin and revealed yet another piercing. “A bit of both,” he clarified. “You know, like you’re someone I could really relate to; but, you know, I think you’d set me straight when I got out of line.”

After that, I didn’t have the heart to tell him he’d miscalculated my change. After all, it was only a dollar short, and I had gotten my answer.

Yes, I’m a teacher!


26 thoughts on “Tagged as a Teacher

  1. I have been tagged a teacher on many occasions. I think it is a combination of mannerisms and dress that gets us pegged. It is hard to lose the “teacherness” when I leave the classroom. I guess once a teacher, always a teacher 🙂

  2. People often tag me as a teacher because of my handwriting. Being a Kindergarten teacher, I print out of habit. People who watch me write something down will ask, “Are you a teacher? You have to be with that handwriting! Nobody prints like that unless they’re a teacher!” Guilty!

  3. This also happens to me quite a bit. I decided I wanted to flag on road construction one summer when school was out. It is one of those jobs I thought would be neat to do when I was in high school. While flagging and holding the STOP sign the one trucker said he knew this wasn’t my fulltime career and thought I was a teacher. When I asked why he said that, he said my grammer was too good and I did not behave like the other workers. It is interesting on the impressions you leave without saying anything.

  4. Yes, this has happened many, many times. I take it as a compliment but can’t figure out how they know. (Now, of course, when I’m the only one wearing the Christmas sweaters, I know I won’t fool anybody! Ha!)

  5. I too get tagged as a teacher. Like Deborah, it is hard to lose the “teacherness” in each of us. The only reason that I can think others tag me as a teacher is my attitude, my compulsive need to correct others’ grammer and spelling.

  6. Yes, I’ve been tagged as a teacher. Many years ago when my brother got married, his future brother-in-law was tasked to pick me up at the airport, never having even seen a picture of me. When he saw me at the gate, he told me that he picked me out of the crowd right away because I was the only one who looked like a teacher.:)

  7. I have been tagged as a teacher more times than I can count. Can it be that I’ve just taught so many middle schoolers that now I see them wherever I go? When they call my name, others hear and know. I think we gain an aura that connects with people’s memories of teachers they have had, both good and bad (more good, I hope!)

  8. I was shopping with my son and asked him to get me the tomato juice with a “t” not the vegetable juice with a “v.” The lady behind me in line tagged me – as a teacher herself. I get in more trouble from my mom, though, when I use my “teacher voice.”

  9. I, too have been tagged as a teacher, and often by kids. While at my son’s little league game, leaning against the fence watching the game, a little boy came rushing up to me. “Hey! Those kids over there are picking on me,” he said to me while grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the hill. Now, he wasn’t a child I knew or who knew me, he just “made” me as a teacher, someone who could settle a playground dispute. And… he was right. I went over to the bullies used my teacher voice, settled the matter. and they returned to their play.

  10. My husband is fond of critiquing my new clothes purchases. He often will look at a piece and tells me it is my school marm look!

  11. I’m very proud of being a Kindergarten teacher! I am always tagged as a teacher-Could it be the seasonal sweaters and color coordinated Chuck Taylor High Tops/crooks? Whatever it is—I’m proud of being tagged–.

  12. I think because a teacher knows she sets an example for others, and is a role-model, we “act” like a teacher in the life choices we make. It’s a dead give away.

  13. I want to be tagged as a teacher. Hopefully, my time is coming. I have passed all tests and received my MAT, but have not passed the Gallop yet. Oh, I can’t wait to be tagged as a teacher!!!!

  14. Once I was on a train to Chicago with 3 other teachers. We were having fun in the dining car and laughing. The man in charge came over and said, “You ladies are teachers, aren’t you?” We asked how he knew…”I’ve been doing this job for lots of years and I can just tell,” he said. We weren’t sure if that was a compliment or not, so we just laughed some more!

  15. Hahaha! Well, now I know it’s not just me! I am always asking my husband if I have “teacher” written across my forehead. I am sitting on the side of the pool and suddenly there are 6 children gathered around me – children I don’t know wave and smile at me in stores – too funny! I love being a teacher!

  16. Ditto on being tagged as a teacher in stores, resturants, etc. Some say I have “teacher handwriting” ie NEAT??? Also I often get told I use my “teacher voice” (by my own children) when dealing with a difficult situation in a store. Also there has beentimes my husband of 32 yrs tells me not to use my teacher voice/speak when having an argument! (Who me???) 🙂 I guess it’s inbred! 🙂

  17. I also get tagged as a teacher and after 17 years I still have to pinch myself! I love to be identified as a person who cares about children, sets high standards and tries really hard to do what is right. I love the challenge in children learning, exploring and being happy and excited at the same time- nothing is more exciting that when that ‘lightbulb’ goes off in a child’s eyes.

  18. I was just recently tagged as a teacher at the airport…I think because I had stickers and a Strawberry Shortcake activity book on top when I opened my luggage! It usually happens to me in places with children, because I naturally interact with them. I don’t mind it, but it does make me wonder what these “obvious signs” are that we seem to exude!


  20. Why is it that Day Care “workers”(teachers) are not considered to be “real” teachers? We teach the children just as mutch as anyone else….I just thought i could get a few opinions on this. Thanks


  21. I was recently walking into a store when I saw one of my former students. He flashed me a big smile and a wave. A women coming out of the store had seen this happen and asked if I was a teacher. I happily answered “yes” and she said that she could tell by the way the child smiled at me. 🙂 I love what I do and couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

  22. I have from the time I have been a teenager have gotten stopped by children I don’t even know come up and talk to me special needs children come to me all the time parents come up and say I am sorry they bothered you I always say it was no bother. How do children know you are a teacher. I have a lot of parents ask me to if I am a teacher. Must be something in our smile or how we watch children around us.

  23. This is so funny. I’ve been only teaching for four years, so I haven’t had the pleasure to experience being tagged as a teacher. I can’t wait for this happen. I wonder if I look and act like a teacher outside of the classroom… 🙂

  24. That is interesting. There were times when I was tagged as a teacher even while I was in college and not even a teacher yet. I still get that and I am a sub now. I asked a few people why and they say they just had a feeling. I think it’s how one presents oneself.

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