Sweet News!

Happy Friday, everyone! And hello, September! The other night as I was preparing dinner (pushing buttons on the microwave), I overheard a segment of national news. I remember thinking that what we really need right about now is some good news. And then it happened! Yes sirree! The next words that tumbled from the newscaster’s mouth were “Chocolate is good for you!”

Holy cows, cats, and caterpillars! This is great news, wouldn’t you agree? Or are you going to tell me you don’t eat chocolate?

Have a great holiday weekend. Be safe and be healthy. 🙂


9 thoughts on “Sweet News!

  1. You are not alone!!!!! I said to my hubby when I heard that piece on the news see – I know what I am talking about!!!!! I too love love love dark chocolate – is there any other kind????? So have you tried giardelli’s new dark chocolate sea salt carmels yet? AMAZING!!!!!!

  2. Chocolate is GREAT for you! I just have a demo. on DOVE chocolate. From chocolate covered strawberries to covered bananas, and pineapples is was sweet to my heart. Have a GREAT LABOR WEEKEND everyone. Be Safe.
    Elizabeth Garcia

  3. As I said to the school secretary, ONE day before school started, as she handed me FIVE folders on FIVE NEW students, “This is a chocolate induced smile. Be glad I have some in my classroom.”

  4. Sometimes I wish I could get paid in chocolate! In some civilizations it was currency…Oh to dream! It probably wouldn’t make my husband happy, though.

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