Summer Values—Freebies, Contests, and Civil Rights

Did you know that this summer is the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer? In 1964, civil rights workers in Mississippi organized a movement to register black Americans to vote. The summer was a time of violence and change, but it was also a step toward overturning Jim Crow laws.

Submit a comment to the blog by 11:59 pm EDT Sunday, July 6, 2014, to tell me which of this week’s fun freebies below are your favorites. One lucky teacher will win my copy of the 50th anniversary edition of Freedom Summer. A winner of the Ezra Jack Keats Book Award and the Coretta Scott King Award, it looks at segregation through two boys’ experiences and friendship. Submit a comment now for your chance to win! (Update: Congratulations to Colleen, who is our winner!)


It’s never too soon to survey your resources for back-to-school—especially when there are freebies to get and prizes to win! For a chance to win a $500 Office Depot or OfficeMax gift card, enter the Gotta Get It! teacher awards sweepstakes. One lucky teacher will win, and six runners-up will each win a $100 gift card. Plus you can download free materials on popular back-to-school topics, sign up for teacher-only discounts, and learn about teacher appreciation events and special offers. Don’t miss out; click here now!


There’s more to win! Take the PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer 30-Day Classroom Challenge for a chance to win a $200 Amazon gift card and $200 in PURELL products for yourself and a charity. Five runners-up each win a PURELL prize pack worth over $100. Free resources—including a handy tracking sheet, parent letters with coupons, programmable school supply lists, plus daily math and writing prompts—will help you meet the challenge. Click here!


Don’t stop there! Load up your idea file with free keepsake craft project ideas for the entire school year and enter to win a $150 Elmer’s prize pack and a $100 Michaels gift card. It’s part of the Make a Million Classroom Memories contest. You have two more chances to win, so don’t wait! Plus you can get access to free, programmable supply list forms. Get it all here!


Wishing you good luck in all these opportunities!


40 thoughts on “Summer Values—Freebies, Contests, and Civil Rights

  1. Freedom Summer sounds like a very interesting book for children. It seems the times are again in an upheaval, hopefully something good will come of it.

  2. Thanks for the chance to win Freedom Summer. I’d love to add it to my collection of books on Civil Rights for younger children

  3. I would love to have the Elmer’s and Michaels money because our school has very limited funding for Arts and Craft’s projects which my class always just loves.

  4. I have already entered the Office Depot contest so I would say that is my favorite but I’ll be entering the craft one next…

  5. Wow all of these contests sound great! For my 4th grade class I always read at least twenty new/old books to suggest to my students to choose during their independent reading time. I have never read this and would love to. If I dont win a copy I will go to my nearest library or book store. Thank you all the companies for bringing ideas for use of their items!

  6. I would love to have any of these offers. I am trying to buy my supplies for the year and even tho I am comparing prices…I am running out of funds fast. So thanks..

  7. Office depot is for me. I often find myself buying more for my kids than myself- office depot would make sure i have the tools i need to be ready! they take care of me and Ill take care of the students. sounds perfect!

  8. I will be completely honest. As a teacher, these are ALL great freebies!! I would be thrilled to win any of these!

  9. I always seem to spend most of my own money on school supplies such as dry erase markers and more. The Office Depot gift certificate would be a wonderful gift! Thank you!

  10. I am thrilled with the office Max and Office Depot contest. My little school could use it. I will be entering the purcell contest too. I am looking forward to saving money on what I pay for this year. Thanks

  11. I saw the Elmer’s glue contest and thought that was great. But then I saw the contest to win “Freedom Summer” and I was super excited. I would love a chance to win this book to share with my class. I teach North Carolina history to 4th graders and I think this book would help them to understand what is was like back then better.

  12. Thanks so much for the chance to win Freedom Summer. I would love to win the Office Depot gift card.

  13. I would love to win the Office Max or Office Depot card so I can buy some supplies for my students to use to start the school year. These TWO STORES offer GREAT bargains duing the summer on school supplies. Children do not come to school with their supplies or the supplies the teachers would like for them to use either because its expensive or someone is on vacation and misses the fantastic sales. Also I’d like to buy print cartridges for my classroom printer.
    I LOVE the book Freedom Summer! What an interesting book. It is a wonderful book to teach my third graders about civil rights. They can create a Venn Diagram!
    I enter my class in numerous contests during the year. So I REALLY APPRECIATE a contest for ME! Thanks for thinking of us!!!

  14. I really can appreciate the rewards from Office Max. I shop there on occasion for my husband’s office supplies and was not aware of the perks they had for teacher’s. I am definitely looking into those. Thank you and I would love to add Freedom Summer to my book collection!

  15. The Purell contest is my favorite, teaching children we use lots of cleaners and hand sanitizer. I would love to have Freedom Summer to contribute to my culturally competent classroom!

  16. I would love to win Freedom Summer. I am passionate about children’s literature and it’s benefits on children’s development and would love to add it to my collection.

  17. I would love to win the book and the Office Depot/Max card. We actually had our budget for copy paper cut for the coming school year and we ran out of paper this year!

  18. I would love to give the book Freedom Summer to my daughter who is majoring in social science education and is trying to build up her book collection as she prepares for her future as an educator.

  19. I love all of the contests. The Office Depot/Office Max would be very beneficial in helping me with supplies and organization for the school year. I would love to win the book! I love books and do not have this one. Thanks so much for all the contests, your site (great ideas, and information)! I will share the info. on the book page on facebook. Thanks!

  20. I would LOVE to win the copy of Freedom Summer!!! Along with that, the Office Depot prize would be so helpful in starting the new school year with needed supplies!!

  21. I would love a copy of the book Freedom Summer. Also the year long supply of crafts would be awesome for my classroom!

  22. I would love to win a copy of Freedom Summer!! I think this book would be a fantastic resource for my class. The Office Depot supplies would also be great for my “little ones” to begin the school the year with.

  23. I would be very grateful to win the copy of Freedom Summer! The Office Depot prize would be a welcome relief starting the new school year with needed supplies!!

  24. Freedom Summer would be my favorite. I believe it is important to teach children about this piece of history and winning the book to keep in the class library would be fantastic.

  25. My favorite fun freebie is the ‘ Office Depot Gotta Get it sweepstakes’. And of course I would love to win a copy of Freedom Summer.

  26. Where can you go to find great ideas to use in your class without spending a dime? Then if you want great materials at a reasonable price they too are available here

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