Strong Superheroes Need Strong Coffee


Marsha, a Super copy editor at The Mailbox, uses her muscles daily to inflict damage via her RED PEN! 😉

You are a strong person. How do I know this? Because you are either currently teaching, have taught before, are in the middle of your teacher education courses, or are planning on becoming a teacher. So you are a strong person AND a superhero!

Superhero teachers spend tons of time flying place to place getting things done, like buying supplies for a science experiment, going to a math conference to learn about the latest ways to teach number concepts, or zooming to school to plan next week’s lessons. It takes a lot to keep up your strength. So I suspect you need coffee…lots and lots of strong coffee (or maybe just a nice latte…mmmm).

That’s why we’re giving away a $10 gift card to Starbucks. Now when you’re zooming around, you can grab yourself something yummy to drink along the way.

To be entered to win, simply reply to this blog and tell me your FAVE BEVERAGE by midnight EDT on Thursday, May 7. That’s it!

Check back each day this week through Thursday for a new giveaway! Winners will be announced on Friday.

93 thoughts on “Strong Superheroes Need Strong Coffee

  1. My favorite beverage is a local drink to Burlington County, NJ. My drink of choice is Boost! It is a flat syrup (like coke). It is served regular style as well as a slushie! Curious… Google Boost, Riverside, NJ!

  2. Coffee…With the very first sip, down to the last drop. Brings me such joy instantly and prepares me for the day ahead!

  3. Tea drinker all the way! Love a big Venti Iced Green Tea, sweetened! You can’t have tea in Texas unless it’s full of sugar. 🙂

  4. My favorite drink is now the S’mores Frappucinno from Starbucks!! It is my weakness and always the perfect treat after a rough day!

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