Sharing Your Passions

Football, animals, nature, photography, cooking, quilting, naval ships, bluegrass music—what are your passions? Without a doubt, educating and nurturing kids is on your list. But what other interests to you have? And, equally important, have you found ways to weave your passions into your teaching? I tell ya, it’s a great way to ramp up the fun in teaching and learning!

Do share!


PS: I can’t believe I let Chocolate Day, July 7, slip by without a mention! Here’s the great news: we still have World Chocolate Day (September 4) and National Chocolate Day (October 28) to celebrate. Mark your calendars!

7 thoughts on “Sharing Your Passions

  1. I love reading, traveling, and going to the beach. It is especially fun for me to travel to a new beach and then sit under an umbrella and read a good book. That way I combine all my favorite things at one time!

  2. I have a passion for nature, especially the ocean. I incorporate these themes into my planning and even decorate my room ocean themed for the beginning of the year. I have found a lot of non-fiction comprehension activities and reading about the ocean. That the kids find fun and educational. By the end of the year the students know how much I love sharks and marine life.

  3. I am passionate about running and enjoy training, especially for longer races. I also love traveling to new places in the US and especially national parks. I also love my dog and am passionate about promoting adoption/rescue when I can.

  4. I love to read. And I love to quilt.
    To incorporate it I cut squares and have the kids decorate them and then I sew a small quilt from them. We get to look at it all year. The best part is its always new.

  5. I love reading and will latch on to authors that interest my kids by having them bring in books from home so they drive the units I pick up on for the summer. If I could I would teach them to crochet, but alas, I haven’t been able to create that magic yet. Over the summer we are preparing for an art show to present the parent’s which is making me think outside the box…that is a good thing!

  6. Performing in local theater productions as often as i can is my passion…comedy, drama, I love it all…my favorite roles were the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz; Mrs. Van daan in The Diary of Anne Frank; and Truvy in Steel Magnolias. Im also a rabid reader and enjoy all forms of the arts.

  7. Healthy eating is a challenge for me. I want my students to learn better eating habits now while they’re young and can benefit more from a healthy lifestyle. So when I prepare my lunch with fresh fruits and vegetables, I chop up some extra for the children to try. Cucumber is a favorite for them. I call red and green peppers red and green bells – the word pepper turns the kids attitudes away from even trying them.

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