Shaking the Shudders

This morning I popped into the office of a colleague and found her shuddering. Marsha, one of four fabulous copy editors, had just opened an email from her son. It wasn’t the email that made her shudder—it was the photo attachment that showed her one and only son, Wes, tandem skydiving! Even though she’d just talked with Wes, who promised his feet were now firmly planted on the ground, she still couldn’t shake her shudders! Can you blame her? It reminded me of the time my backyard neighbor, Tom, nonchalantly mentioned that his down-the-street neighbor had misplaced his pet boa constrictor. I couldn’t conceal my shock or my shudder. “Misplaced his boa constrictor!” I shrieked! “What’s its name?” I have no idea why I thought I needed to know the snake’s name. What I do know is that I shuddered over that missing snake for days only to find out that Rambo was found nestled in his owner’s box spring mattress. Yikes! Sure hope your day—week! month!—is shudder free!


8 thoughts on “Shaking the Shudders

  1. I can appreciate the shudders! My first day at a new school, the maintenance guys were telling me of a scorpion infestation. I had (until that day) NEVER seen a scorpion! They were paged overhead but came back soon to share with me the reason for the page! A mama scorpion with 13 babies on her back. I left my room quickly while my hubby (who was helping me set up my room) and the others examined and marveled at this sight for 45 minutes!!!

  2. We had a shuddering incident in first grade recently – the weather was nice, so we opened the window… but there was no screen on it so a bee flew in! The class was in hysterics! Luckily we got the bee out before it stung anyone!

  3. I thought I was shuddering when I discovered a mouse running in my classroom. I will never shudder again over mice after reading about the scorpion and the snake.

  4. I can remember my first year of teaching, in a preschool class. After I was there about 2 weeks, the director let me know that the snake must have escaped sometime during the night. She knew me well enough during those short couple of weeks to give me a fair warning! I was watching behind my back all day!

  5. A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to work in a low income inner city school. The experience is one I wouldn’t trade for the world but the students tended to unintentionally bring “critters” to school with them. I super shuddered the first time I saw a roach crawling from a back pack and across a student’s desk. From that day on I refused to bring any bags into school or take any home with me either.

  6. I am totally terrified of spiders and one day in my preschool class the kids were playing in sand and a little girl backed up from the sand table and had this look upon her face, i asked her what was wrong and another child picked up a HUGE fuzzy she thought was a spider, i laughed because i have done the same thing at various times the next day a HUGE spider went running across the floor and I had to kill it and try to not be afraid however i was freaking out inside!

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