Setting the Bar High

My pooch, Lexie, has been chasing the same squirrel for over a month. She barks, she pounces, she lunges, she darts, and she dashes. All the while, about 30 feet out of reach, a sassy little squirrel skillfully scampers back and forth between two utility poles. Clearly my canine has no intentions of giving up the chase.

I’m all about setting the bar high. My experiences have taught me that, when you expect the best, better is always within reach. How do you keep your students motivated to do their best schoolwork?


7 thoughts on “Setting the Bar High

  1. I really make a huge deal out of the kids work. I do a silly dance and sing a quick ditty with the Child’s name it. All the kids laugh and want me to do it for them too. My answer is you are almost there keep trying and I will be dancing and singing for you too.

  2. I write the learning goals on a chart and read them to the students before the lesson. Afterwards, I ask them did you learn (what was written on the chart)?

  3. My day is full of cheerleading from the timid child who does not want to part with her pacifier first thing in the morning, to the child who wants to challenge anyone to a foot race as he escapes the room to run down the hall till someone catches him. Teachable moments happen somewhere in between.

  4. Right now, our school (prek-4th grade) is struggling with attendance. We are trying to motivate the students in all grades to be at school each day. Kinder and above are allowed to ride the bus, but pre-k is not. The little ones have to rely on their parents to get them to school.

    Does anyone have any suggestions to motivate the parents to get their little ones to school??? Please share your ideas!

    As for motivating students to do their best work, my class uses sticker charts. Students who work hard earn stickers on a daily basis. Once their sticker charts are full, they get to pick a toy from the Treasure Box.

    Also, I post student work both around the room and outside in the hallway. Students know that their work is on display everywhere — the entire school can see it. 🙂

  5. Ms. Ruth…
    Food is an excellent motivator!Is there anyway that children in perfect attendance could earn a donut or muffin party on Fridays either every week or even once a month?
    Let’s say your school bell rings at 8:00…What about offering free coffee for parents who drop off between 7:30-7:55?
    You could also use your little coffee area as a way to post notices for upcoming events in your school or get more parents involved in clubs like PTA.
    These will not only motivate parents and students, but it’s an excellent way to connect with families for a minimum cost.They could earn donut stickers (which could be just some of those round, white paper reinforcement stickers from the office supply isle that you use a marker to color them) You could even call it “The Breakfast Club!”

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