“Reach for the Stars” First Friday Giveaway!

Have you ever wished for a star of your very own? The young boy in How to Catch a Star wishes he had a star all his own and sets out to catch one. The story, by Oliver Jeffers, is super cute and can inspire lots of learning opportunities such as a science-related study of stars, star- or wish-themed writing activities, an investigation of character/personality traits, a discussion about goals, and much more! And yes, the book is part of this month’s giveaway.

What else is included in this month’s First Friday Giveaway? Let’s see. There’s a plush spaceship that is begging to be placed in a writing center or reading corner, a pack of smiley star stickers, a bag of Starburst candies, and a pack of 12 colorful flair pens.

To enter for a chance to win this star-studded prize pack, leave your answer to the following question in the comment section of this blog before midnight April 15, 2019.

What’s a wish of yours?


I wish to always be a learner,


PS: Of course I also wish to lose weight, own a chocolate factory, and live at the beach! :+)


Congrats to Susan, the winner of this month’s First Friday Giveaway! 

231 thoughts on ““Reach for the Stars” First Friday Giveaway!

  1. What’s a wish of yours?
    hmm That this world becomes a little kinder, a little less chaotic so the littles I teach now and in the future will not have to endure some of the craziness we have recently!

  2. I wish people would stop having children if they cannot properly care for them. And I also wish parents would educate themselves on how to feed their children healthy foods and snacks, instead of giving them processed foods and snacks.

  3. For my students, I wish they all had someone to read with them at home.
    For myself, I wish I had some chocolate 🙂

  4. I wish that I can make a difference in the lives of every student who has been in my class. I wish them future success and happiness.

  5. I wish that I was better organized so that I didn’t spend so much time looking for learning materials to use with my class.

  6. I wish all my 3 year old students will continue to grow and love learning. I took over this class 2 months ago and am amazed at how well they adapted to the change.

  7. I wish to be remembered as the crazy teacher that always brought suspense into their world through my teachings. Like the day we boarded the ship to America, When Mrs Emma Willard Hart came from the past into our present time to tell the students about school back in her days, or the day Ms. Sowa and put together our own Crime Scene Investigation for them to solve.

  8. I wish to remember to take time for my kinders because it’s the little discoveries and hurts that mean so much when someone notices.

  9. I wish for my students to have more “aha” moments. I wish for them to see the power of contentment while still striving to be their best!

  10. My deepest wish is that my students understand how very much I care for them and want the best for them. I want them to know how unique and wonderful they are exactly the way they are.

  11. I wish all my students could see themselves through my eyes; how each one is wonderfully made and so smart in different way.s

  12. I wish for more time to do the things students love to do in class (read, create, imagine, etc.) and less curriculum forced upon them before they are developmentally ready ….sigh!

  13. I wish for children to see how special they each are and for them to be loved and read to every day! I also hope for time to relax and renew amid the weekly busyness.

  14. I wish that my kids have a happy, productive lives. That they get a chance to feel the highs and lows of life. And Know that I will always love them.

  15. I wish that every parent, teacher, friend and stranger encouraged reading for the sheer joy of all the adventures that books offer, both inside the pages and beyond the book.

  16. I wish there was an extra half hour added to the kids day to provide more time to teach social skills

  17. I ask God everyday: I wish that all children have love and happiness. That they ;live a life of peace. That they feel safe not only in school, but throughout their journal in life. That they gain self wealth and to know that they are all important and valued.

  18. I wish to inspire my students every day, to instill a love of learning and teach them to always be kind!❤️

  19. I wish for all my students past and present to see the very best in themselves and see the potential they have and that they always reach for the stars.

  20. I wish for all my learners to reach for the stars and for all my LD, learning difference students, you know who you are, I wish for you to get to those stars as well, but I know you may or may not get there the same way your classmates do, but you will, oh yes, you will. Perhaps you will even design and build the supersonic rocket ship powered by solar panels that gets everyone there. Follow your dreams little ones, that is my wish. Love Mrs. Lalonde

  21. I wish for my students to love playing outside, board games, and reading books more than playing on tablets and watching tv.

  22. I wish to leave my students with the knowledge that they deserve to be heard, that they are valued, and that they make a significant impact everyday of their lives!

  23. I wish that each one of my students knew how much I truly care about them. I wish they knew how amazing they were!

  24. I wish schools had more funding so that teachers could get whatever their students need without draining their own pockets. I also wish that there was more money in general to offer transition houses for those students in low income families to continue their education after 21.

  25. I wish for health for my family, my students to know and understand the lengths I go to in order for our classroom to be warm, inviting, and safe.

  26. I wish for universal healthcare so I can stop worrying about how to afford to keep healthy and my students and families have access to affordable healthcare services to keep them healthy and ready to learn!

  27. I wish that the world would always assume the best intentions. That is how I run my classroom and my household! It’s definitely a challenge in our society!

  28. I wish I could protect my students and let them worry about kid problems and not adult problems even when they are not at school!

  29. I wish that every kiddo I see to be loved, every second of the day and for others to see their strengths the way I see them.

  30. I wish district mandated testing would go away so that students could truly shine instead of stressing over the pressure to pass a test!

  31. I wish that my students would hold on to the love and excitement for learning that they have in 1st grade for the rest of their lives! What an amazing world it would be for them if they did!

  32. I wish if my students learn one thing from me it’s to always to be kind to one another and be honestly never to lie.

  33. I wish that each of my students feels loved and accepted for who they are and that they likewise love and accept others in return.

  34. I wish for no more diabetes and asthma. Although I’m thankful that with my knowledge of both I am able to help educate others on them. And it has helped some of the families at my center be more at ease knowing that there is a teacher who understands what their child is going through.

  35. I wish that each of my students leaves my class knowing they are cared about and important, and that I help them see themselves as a part of the larger world.

  36. I wish for time for true, authentic teaching for our little ones. More storytelling, counting and imaginative play, not testing.

  37. I wish that I could rid my son of all the effects of encephalitis so he could be an awesome kindergarten teacher again!

  38. I wish for inspiration as I teach my pre k class. I wish for respect for teachers, children and their families as we work together to get ready for kindergarten.

  39. I wish that everyone in my family would be happy and that we can take a fabulous trip together soon. We have had a tough time for the past two years, I wish for happiness soon.

  40. I wish that no child is ever bullied – that I could I get new playground equipment for my Pre-Schoolers – and of course win the Lottery!!

  41. I wish that I had more time in the day to read to the kids more. They love listening to stories and the day only limits how many we can enjoy together!

  42. I wish that I could become financially independent so I could spend the money I’d like to on my classroom.

  43. I wish I had the time and money to provide for all my students. I wish my students realized how important their education is.

  44. I wish that I could help all my students learn to love reading and reach their full potential. I also wish I lived closer to my family to be a more active Aunt with my nephew.

  45. I wish my students’ parents could see how much I love their kid and really am doing my best, and how much I worry and stress over their child being successful.

  46. I wish we could stop teaching to the state standardized tests and take the time to really teach what the students need.

  47. I wish so many things as a teacher, but if I could truly get my wish granted I would wish for kids to all come from loving, economically safe homes. I get so anxiety ridden over being their safe haven and safe place when it should be the other way around. It’s so sad but unfortunately truer many know.

  48. I wish for teachers to be valued and respected again. We are able to do so much more for our students when we have the respect from parents and community.

  49. I wished my students knew how much I cared for them and that when they get older they have lots of great memories from first grade.

  50. I wish that all children could learn without having obstacles in their way. Abd that I always had the resources to help those children who do.

  51. I wish all of my students felt safe, fed, loved, and nurtured at home, so that they could come to school ready to learn. I wish they all believed that their today and tomorrow could be amazing!

  52. I wish educators (especially early childhood educators) were more respected. Also, for each of my students knew how much they are loved!

  53. A wish of mine is to be able to touch the lives of every student I teach in a manner that they need. I wish daily to be be the person that cheers them on to be the best they can be.

  54. I wish that, for just a moment, I could glimpse into my students’ futures and see what they will need so that I could plant the right seeds.

  55. I wish for all of my students to continue to believe in themselves as they grow older and are faced with more difficult obstacles.

  56. I wish that my students will always have the confidence needed to reach for the stars, and empathy towards others as they make the world a better place.

  57. I wish that all my kids through the years will realize they are important, valuable, and worthy! I wish that they take that with them for their whole life to help them reach their full potential!

  58. I wish that I had duck feet and I can tell you why.
    You can splash around in duck feet, you don’t have to keep them dry.

  59. I wish I had more time to help esch student with their problems. Whether its something personal or something education related.

  60. I wish every one of my students had someone at home who would show they care by talking with them, reading to them, and being a cheerleader for them when things are hard….

  61. I wish every person could see the whole world will knock a person down. We as humans need to learn we do so much better by building people up!! Love starts with you!!

  62. I wish I had more time to do more read alouds, and that more of my students could have someone read to them every night at home too.

  63. I wish to always have the motivation I have now to continue to bring knowledge to little minds through so much creativity to keep them involved!

  64. I wish that all of my students are happy and feel comfortable and safe and school and home. I wish that they have happy lives and enjoy learning and that all of their dreams come true!

  65. I wish I had starboard capabilities or more tech. its a constant effort to keep kids connected with minimal tech…. books and paper doesnt do it anymore!

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