Random Acts of Kindness Week

indness rules! That’s my opinion anyway. 🙂 Each year, Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 13–19, 2012) reminds us that, by extending goodness to others without expecting anything in return, we make our world a better place. A smile, a wave, and a helping hand are all random acts of kindness. And just think, one kind act is all it takes to start a ripple of kindness that can travel great distances in a single day! How cool is that!

In celebration of this special week, I invite you to share a random act of kindness you’ve received or shared during the past few days. And my random act of kindness to you—since you can’t see my smiles, hear my “aaaahs,” or feel my happiness at hearing from you—will be a Random Acts of Kindness Giveaway! Leave a comment by midnight ET Sunday, February 19, and your name will be entered in a drawing for a care package from The Mailbox!


Congratulations to Virginia! She’s the winner of our giveaway!

21 thoughts on “Random Acts of Kindness Week

  1. Each day, I make it a goal to say one kind and positive thing to each student. I believe this helps boost their confidence and let’s them know that they are loved. I also make it a goal to say one positive thing to myself at least once a day. Finally, whenever possible I try perform at least one random act of kindness. Whether it be getting the mail for my teammates, cleaning up a spill rather than call the custodian, cover bus duty for a staff member without being asked. I do things because they are self rewarding and make me feel good!

  2. I am with Crystal, and I think the more you do the kind or positive thing the more you get back – it is kind of like the self fullfilling prophecy – you expect a bad day and you get one. I try to tell myself it’s going to be a good day. I also try to go the extra step for my preschoolers and their families. It is great when you get apreciation back – especially when you are not looking for it! I try to be self suficient to help our custodian out at school – now there is a guy you want on your side! When only half the new garbage cans came in – I got one, but not the teacher that does nothing to help him out on his job!

  3. My principal thanked me for helping another class throughout the year (it really needed a LOT of help). She said she really appreciated all I have done to help the teacher.

  4. I recieved 3 wonderful random acts of kindness today when at 3 different times today I was told Mrs. Taig I love you complete with hugs.
    It never fails to bring a tear to my eyes when I think about the amount of love I get on the job. No matter what else is going wrong in life my kiddos bring sunshine into my life.

    My random act of kindness today was doing my assistants job this am for her. She treats me and the kids so wonderful I just wanted to do something nice for her.

  5. I teach 4-K and have 20 4 year olds full day. In order to teach them about kindness this past week, in groups of 4, they baked cookies & delivered them to different people in our school. We made cookies for the Office staff, the Cafeteria staff, our neighbor K-4 class, and 2 Special Needs classes who share our hallway. The kids lit up when they saw how happy the people were when they received their freshly baked cookies. I hope they will remember how it make them feel good to make someone else smile!

  6. We have a grandma who volunteers in our classroom. Last week was her birthday so the staff threw together a birthday luncheon in her honor.All the children made her a card and sang to her.

  7. I have been an observer of a teacher who has worked diligently to get the 4’s to play and respond to each other more positively. She even made a “kindness chart” and put several caharcter qualities to strive for with small rewards at the end of the week.

  8. I returned to work on Monday the 13th after having surgery last week and being out for a few days. I became very sick and needed to leave. The paraprofessionals in my room helped me get my things together and one drove me home. My teaching partners immediately took my 21 students, split them up, and taught them. One of our office staff members found a substitute for me. No one questioned me; they just helped me so I wouldn’t worry about my class. My students were wonderful for everyone.

  9. I created a Peaceful environment in my classroom, where everyone recognizes when someone is having a tough moment or day and the rest work to support him/her and provide him/her with encouragement. I have taught my students to be understanding of each other, specially when the other person is not being so “nice”. My students are loving and caring towards each others which makes for a great environment to experiment and meet challenges without fear of being ridiculed or put-down.

  10. I got my 6th graders pipecleaners and let them play and create. I paid my brother-in-law’s insurance–he has been in the hosp. since Dec.2 and money is tight. I got Valentines for the staff at school. I try to remember all of my 18 nephews and nieces and their spouses and their 38 children and one spouse. I think being kind is very important– I have many brothers and they are mostly a lot older. —One of which is very kind to my ten year old and I feel I should pass it on.

  11. I went to a teacher’s conference these past two days. There were a lot of great workshops, and teachers sharing ideas and great advice. I think it is kind that they are willing to share their ideas and give other teachers, like me, advice.

  12. On my way to school during my commute, I try to make sure I allow cars into “the line of traffic” to make sure others will have an easy beginning to the day. When I am at school, I make sure I smile at the students in my class or when I am walking through the halls. So many in my building, especially the principal, have forgotten how to smile in this era of high stakes testing. We all push to rise above the teacher bashing and student smashing environment.

  13. We are shorthanded on staff right now and a lot of our parents have been helping out. I try to send a thank you note to each one, because the best way to get a return volunteer is to make sure they know they are appreciated when they do help. We have had help every day that we have needed it. It’s been such a blessing!

  14. I missed a weekly appointment this week and someone took the time and energy to text me to let me know they missed seeing me. Due to their gesture, I will make an extra special effort to attend this week. Just knowing someone noticed meant a lot.

  15. I live out in the country and travel a two-lane road. When I was driving home the other day I saw a turtle stuck on its back. I pulled over to turn it over so it could head on its way. 😉

  16. Each year I put up a big rooster each day during this week titled 100 Random Acts of Kindness. Together we brainstorm a list of types of kindnesses they can share, like giving a compliment, being a friend at recess, being helpful, remembering our manners, etc. I challenge my students each day to reach 100, starting with a fresh tally daily. Each day when I ‘observe’them being kind, they get to add a tally to our list. At first it seems forced, my kids just doing it to add a tally, but that wears off – they start acting kinder and notice when others are too! “Kindness” becomes so natural…Perfect for February when we all need a little reminder to follow the classroom rules and to be a better first grader….person!

  17. We practice kindness everyday! We do this from a book called “Bucket Filling”. I read the book around Thanksgiving time and the children identify with carrying an invisible bucket. When you fill their buck with good feelings and helpful ways you also feel good about yourself. The children are always telling me the good/helpful/happy ways they act in the classroom. I even have parents telling me “He said he filled my bucket? What does that mean?” So now I leave the book out for all to see and read. This year is was a very long winter break, I created actual buckets with happy face and sad face. The children get to put a chip inside when we fill a bucket. Same with a sad face if we hurt each others feelings. However, if we make up with that person or make a better choice we take it from the sad bucket and put it in the happy. We all win from a great happy day at school!

  18. Each day at school I always make sure I say good morning or hello with a smile to everyone I pass in the hallway,students and teachers. I know how I feel when others say hello or compliment you so I always do the same back each day to make others feel special. For the whole month of December this past year, my classroom aide and I found on a wonderful teachers blog, First Grade Parade a project called R.A.C.K. which stands for Random Acts of Christmas Kindness. Each day in December we had a random act of christmas kindness we did with our class. The students loved it. They couldn’t wait to see what we were going to do for others that day. We wrote poems for the nurse and secretaries. We decorated the principles door with a wreath made out of our hands. We left money on the soda machine. We collected hats and mittens for those in need. We made holiday cards for others and so on. It was a verty rewarding experience for us all and the students never told anyone who did all these wonderful things. they were R.A.C.K. people in their family. We continue to do random acts of kindness each month.

  19. This year I have been placed in Special Education which is something I have only done in 2 of my 30 years of teaching. However I am giving it my best and trying to help the children that I have on my caseload. Some children I see for longer times and others I have seen before the paperwork is even final just because they need so much help. I try to be as positive and joyful when I work with my students because they have such a difficult day in general education and struggle to learn. In my resource room I use activities that will help them learn but are fun too. I try to incorporate art, music and hands on opportunities instead of drill and kill. My students range from kindergarten up to fourth grade so I cover a variety of learning area each day. I try to have a smile on my face which all of my co-workers mention when they see me each day (you are always smiling) even though this has been one of my most challenging assignments.

  20. In our preschool classroom we have a Kindness Reporter who when they notice an act of kindness happening they recognize it by sharing the act with the rest of the class. This child also wears an apron that they can stick a smiley face when when they notice an act, at the end of the day we count up the acts noticed and talk about the importance of treating each other with respect and kindness.

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