Prizes, Prizes, and More Prizes!

Wow! Where do I begin? It’s Tuesday of Teacher Appreciation Week, and I’m loaded down with prizes! So let’s talk school supplies!

At the top of my list is a free online workshop sponsored by Walmart and your pals from The Mailbox. During this quick 30-minute workshop, you’ll learn how to get the school supplies you need—without spending your own money. That’s right, without spending your own money! You’ll also get the scoop on ways to earn money for your school, and you’ll be the first to hear about a brand-new teacher store at And prizes? You bet! Every five minutes during the workshop, prizes are being given away—from Lysol wipes to Kleenex tissues to Walmart gift cards. Now, you’ll need to act quickly. Space is limited. Yes, I want to register for the online workshop!

Next on my list is a giveaway right here at the blog! Answer the question below and two things happen: one, you earn a $5 coupon for a purchase of $15 or more from The Mailbox, and two, you are entered in a drawing to win $50 in cash. Zowie! Just be sure to leave your comment by 11:59 PM EDT on Sunday, May 12.

By this time of year, what school supplies
have you already run out of?

Check back tomorrow for more surprises (and prizes)!

Congratulations to Rosemary! She’s the winner of our giveaway!

52 thoughts on “Prizes, Prizes, and More Prizes!

  1. By this time of year I have ran out of colored pencils!!!!! Sometimes regular pencils, and I’m also out of folders!

  2. As a Massachusetts family child care educator,I’m mandated to provide a preschool curriculum year round. I’m always low on glue sticks & markers.

  3. We have ran out of tissue!! It seems like the real sneezes come when there is NO TISSUE!! Oh!! And my assistant and I have almost run out of sanity!! Lol!

  4. The choices of colored paper are low low. And I am running low on energy. LOL. Folders and markers sharpies.

  5. I’m running low on glue sticks, dry erase markers, crayons ( the kids have broken about half if them!), tape, and on energy and patience! Lol! But, I love my job and love my kids!! 🙂

  6. In first grade we are sooo low on pencils, glue sticks, crayons and markers! They go through everything so quick!

  7. Markers, glue sticks, glue, tape, packing tape, dry erase markers – but these run out on a quarterly basis. Our school is pretty good about replenishing with a purchase order request.

  8. Glue!!!!
    The student like to use a lot of glue to glue projects.
    It’s hard to ask parent this time of year to go buy more. Next year I will have a stock of glue hidden to finish the school year.

  9. It’s been a bad year for illness and allergies. We are out of kleenex! I actually put my students extra supplies from the school suggested list in a ziplock bag after Meet the Teacher night. I get it out again in January and they replenish their supplies. I get it out again the end of April and some students still have extra supplies that can go back home for next year. This system really works well.

  10. I teach 3rd grade … they’ve nearly picked me clean on pencils, glue, colored pencils, erasers, and dry erase markers. 🙂

  11. Glue sticks and printer paper! I don’t know how many times I’ve bought more this year but they just don’t seem to last!

  12. At the Primary, there is a mass shortage on glue sticks and construction paper. Most art supplies are at the bare minimum too.

  13. It is funny that we all have run out of glue sticks! Most of my dry erase markers are fading fast. It’s a bummer that they are so expensive and yet so necessary! I’ve liked some of the suggestions that read so far!

    Thanks all!

  14. Kleenex is always the first to go around here. Also, I’m a bit of a germaphobe, so hand sanitizer is always running low.

  15. Chart markers, dry erase markers, crayons, colored pencils, glue sticks, and gallon sized zipper storage bags!

  16. Tissues, glue sticks, pencils, and I believe they must eat all erasers! Crayons are all broken, too.

  17. My markers are dried up. My dry erase boards and markers have seen better days. Glue sticks have been gone! And of course my energy level is running low, can’t wait for summer to recharge the batteries, haha 🙂

  18. Clorox disinfecting wipes and white board markers. The pencil top erasers have been gone for quite a while!

  19. I teach pre-k and we run out of supplies weekly it feela like! We are always out of tape, glue sticks, construction paper, lined paper…the list goes on lol!

  20. We have run out of pencils and stick glue in my classroom! They went fast this year! I am still trying to figure out where they went!

  21. I have run out of pencils, clorox wipes, erasers, and crayons. All we have left are broken pieces of crayons to get us by.

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