Magical Words of Encouragement in a Sweet Book: Win it

You and your young readers will take heart from Don’t Worry, Little Crab (Candlewick). Little Crab is bravely venturing off to the big ocean–except the big ocean turns out to be very, well, BIG! Can Little Crab do it?

One lucky teacher will be randomly selected to win this book. To enter the drawing, submit a comment to our blog by Thursday, April 9, and let us know how brave you’re feeling today. Super brave like Very Big Crab? Not so brave like Little Crab? Something in between? (Congratulations to Karen, who is the winner of our prize.)

Here are some free resources to help you keep moving bravely ahead:

Teachers and students love BrainPOP—and now BrainPOP is offering free, unlimited use to any school, anywhere, that is closed due to the coronavirus. Students will enjoy BrainPOP’s animated movies, and you’ll save time by using the assessment tools for distance learning, homework, or extra help. Click here to start your free access.



Learning Without Tears is offering teachers and families free access to digital learning tools, including the PreK Interactive Teaching Tool and the K-5 Handwriting Interactive Teaching Tool. Plus let parents know about new videos with instructions for using the products at home. Click here to get started.




Tap into free math and science games for grades 3-8. Legends of Learning has opened free, unlimited access to over 2,000 games and assessments for use at school or home. Create playlists and access enhanced features at


I’m feeling pretty brave, like Very Big Crab today. Working from home takes adjustment, but it’s been a good day so far.


PS: Preschool and kindergarten teachers, we have Peppa Pig prizes for you here.

42 thoughts on “Magical Words of Encouragement in a Sweet Book: Win it

  1. How brave am I feeling today …? Hmmm…. I would have to say that I am very brave – tackling eLearning for the first time – sort of feels like flying on a trapeeze without a net below … but I’m going to do it anyway, because it is for my students!!!

  2. Feeling very, very brave! I tackled the grocery store this morning for some essentials with hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes while maintaining the suggested 6 feet from everyone. It made me appreciate all of the health care workers and grocery store employees who show up every day so that we can have the essentials that we need. They are truly the brave ones!

  3. I am feeling a little brave. I am learning to be more savvy on my computer which is WAY hard for me. I am trying baby steps but still feeling so overwhelmed.

  4. I am feeling very brave today! We are launching our center’s face book group. I made three read aloud videos and preparing to do more!

  5. I am more like a medium-sized crab. Very brave at times, but also filled with some fears. Learning more about online teaching each day and putting on my brave face for my kindergarten students when I chat with them. Taking one day at a time!

  6. Somewhat brave. After being in my house for 1 1/2 weeks without going anywhere, I had to venture out to the store. I was terrified. I kept hearing stories about extremely long lines & no food. When I got there, it was fine. There were only a couple of items I wasn’t able to get, which was no big deal. And there were no lines! Plus, the people shopping were very friendly. It was an easy, actually pleasant experience.

  7. I’m feeling in between. I’m using lots of positive self-talk: I can only do what I can do each day. I am doing fine. What matters is that I care about my students & I am doing my best. My parents know I care about their kids. I can do this!

  8. I am feeling brave. I am tackling this new technology the best I can. I am an eager participant but have not taken on the leader role. Yet. I am ready to try!

  9. I just completed some check-in calls with my toddler families and am feeling quite brave – the kind words from all the families really lifted up my spirit and I feel like I can tackle anything now.

  10. Not very brave today. It’s kind of up and down here. Too much time confined. Take care and be well everyone

  11. I guess I would say I an feeling somewhat brave because being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid but that you do what needs to be done anyway.

  12. My son and I were very brave today – we ventured into the world to give blood. Then some food shopping- good thing because the Governor just issued a stay at home for our county!

  13. I am not sure how brave I am feeling today. I would rather not brave the grocery store, but I do need to go. We are out of milk. I am braving up for an online faculty meeting tomorrow. We are working to help our students!

  14. feeling very brave today and taking a page from my three littles (7/8/11 yo)
    they start their days with a video prayer from their catholic school teachers

    my third grade norcal students are doing well and picking up their chromebooks today from school! ????????♥️????
    hang in there everyone!

  15. Feeling brave in this uncertain time. Staying strong so my 3 young daughters do not have to worry. Keep moving forward will come out stringer in the end!

  16. It’s early in the day so pretty brave right now, but after a day of listening to the news and seeing more and more cases of Covid-19 popping up, I start feeling not so brave.

  17. I’m feeling brave today. A google meet with co-worker friends and photos of my students outside enjoying the sun give me a sense of hope and courage.

  18. I am feeling somewhere between brave and very brave, as long as I am at my house. I feel not so brave, when I have to go to the store.

  19. My bravery scale is like a roller coaster of ups and downs. I’m learning how to do live chats and that’s a good up hill but knowing I can’t get my daily hugs and stories of the things going on in their lives brings me back down. I can’t wait for this to over.

  20. I am feeling quite brave today. I was finally able to send a video of me reading a story to my students. Using technology that I am unfamiliar with has been very stressful and challenging. I am beginning to see a light at the end of the remote learning tunnel.

  21. Teaching virtually is making me nervous and scared. But everyday I am getting a little braver and braver. It’s a big ocean out there in the virtual world.

    • I completely understand, MeeMee. I’m the youngest of 7, have been comfortable being nurtured and taken care of for many years. I’m thankful for the companionship of my husband and two small breed rescue pups. Our “launched” Sons live on opposite oceans (One in Boston, the other in Seattle); that has afforded us the opportunity to travel more frequently than we ever imagined. They buy our airline tickets, take us on road trips… Though it can Never take the place of an actual hug, I send people virtual hugs. I know it sounds corny; but it really helps to express that if you could be there, you would. It is a big ocean out there, and it makes us feel very small. I work as a Center Director/Preschool Teacher in a 12:1 +2 Classroom in rural upstate New York. (Think: Border of Canada, near Montreal). And you? Take good care of your health, stay safe at home. This will pass and you’ll come through with flying colors (and possibly a whole new repertoire of ideas and materials to enhance your gift of teaching. Some of my kids call me Laa Laa (which is part of the reason I HAD to reply to you. Ever hear of the Sound of Music??? There’s a Song about US!!! (((LOL)))

  22. We can ALL use these, Little Crab!!
    Take a deep slow breath or five, and use some Self-Soothing Skills (that we tend to forget when cortisol is raging inside):
    Taste – name one thing you can taste right now. (lemon? tea? water?) breathe…
    Smell – name two things you can smell right now. breathe…
    See – name three things you can see right now. breathe…
    Hear – name four things you can hear right now. breathe…
    Touch – name five things you can touch right now. breathe…
    It’s o.k. to take a break, time to re-focus and adjust. You don’t need to carry the full weight of responsibility on your shoulders. We are all only human. We all need encouragement and the strength that others can lend during this time. Be brave and Know you are not alone. More resources for You right here: I genuinely hope this helps (((heart emoticon)))

  23. How brave am I today? I am learning to take this time in our lives as one day at a time. Each day I need to be brave not only for myself and my own family but I need to stay strong for my students who are still looking to me for guidance along with their families. I will continue to tell myself each morning “Today, is a new day!”

  24. I am feeling brave! I am working on line to teach my students and having a Zoom meeting tomorrow so all of my sweet students can see each other!

  25. Hi,
    I am feeling brave as a teacher trying out new technology with my students while homeschooling my own three kiddos. I try each morning to make it fun and learn something new!

  26. The world is a scary place right now.

    Catch me at the right time and I am super-hero brave!

    Other times, I am taking baby steps in forcing myself to do new things I would never have done otherwise.

    Kudos to our truly brave humanity-health care workers of all kinds!

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