Let It Snow? Already? Plus a Winter-Themed Book to WIN

I’m from Pennsylvania, and my sister reported that there were snowflakes flying there today. Already! In early November!



That put me in a wintery mood, so I chose this book for one lucky teacher to win this week: Mice Skating. To enter the random drawing, submit a comment to this blog to let us know your feelings on snow in November. Love it? Hate it? Too early? Not early enough? Share your comment by November 21, 2017. One lucky teacher will win this book!



What do you know? Everything! With knowitall.org, find free videos, interactives, images, and more to add to lessons across the curriculum. Click here to get started.



November is National Novel Writing Month—also known as NaNoWriMo. The challenge: write a novel in 30 days. Take the challenge yourself or get your students in on it. Find free activities at ywp.nanowrimo.org.



Take time to say thanks to the members of our military through Operation Gratitude. Get all of the information on how students can send their letters at signup.operationgratitude.com/letterwriting.

Let us “snow” your thoughts on snowflakes flying!


PS: Disney Books is giving away a set of 30 books. Enter here.

82 thoughts on “Let It Snow? Already? Plus a Winter-Themed Book to WIN

  1. I think it is to early for snow. I don’t really like snow to begin with. I would be okay with getting a little snow for Christmas and then never seeing it again all winter.

  2. I would love to see snow in November, it makes Thanksgiving that much more special. I reminds me of how hard the Pilgrims had it that first year in the new world.

  3. We have just started with a few snow flurries. I am looking forward to watching the snow fall through the window I love to watch it snow

  4. No snow in Hawaii except atop Mauna Kea on Hawaii Island. We have to travel to the mainland to make snow angels and snowpeople, to ski and snowboard, and drink hot cocoa by the fire on a snowy night.

  5. I enjoy snow enough that come November I’m usually ready for it. However, after being in a (totaled the car) car accident last Christmas I do not want snow to come until AFTER the holidays…

  6. The first snow is always pretty-BUT when the snow in Minnesota waits until the middle to end of December the winter doesn’t seem so long.

  7. Knowing snow is coming because I live in Michigan raises my curiosity. One of my favorite things to do during one of the first snows is to take my first graders outside so they can catch snowflakes on their tongues. I know it will snow…..so I find ways to embrace its beauty and wonder.

  8. The first snow is such an exciting time each year! I love to see the wonder in my three year old students eyes! Yes the process of snow pants, boots, coat, hat and mittens takes a while but by the end of the season they become pris! Love the beautiful winter wonderland!

  9. Snow in November is a little too early for me! Even though it’s beautiful and the kids love it, Many families travel for Thanksgiving in November, so it can make the roads dangerous. Disappointing families!!!

  10. I suppose November is fine with snow, it is all just seeming to come too suddenly this year, I want to hang on to fall longer but I can’t. But where Christmas is concerned, I love it for right now, can never have too much Christmas music! Sweet little book, thank you for sharing!

  11. I live in upstate and am ready for a little snow. We’ve been spoiled with mild temperatures but this week brought true November weather and I have to admit, it’s putting me in the holiday spirit!

  12. Here in Colorado it’s not unusual to start seeing snow in October, let alone November! I love a wintry day with a dusting of snow on the ground, clear blue skies, and crisp, chilly air. (But not TOO chilly to take the little ones out to play!)

  13. Snow? What is snow. Love in Phoenix, As so sow isn’t something we see unless we travel up north. Would be fun for a day though

  14. We’ve seen a few flakes here on the Wasatch Front of Utah as well these last few days! I love snow, but mostly in the mountains and not on the roads. Ha!

  15. would love a sprinkling here in Texas but alas we don’t get anything until about January or February! So I am always wanting to teach winter/snow/ice etc. for my littles! Would love this!

  16. I am a librarian, not a teacher, but I could definitely use this book. I don’t mind snow flurries, but I prefer them to start around Thanksgiving!

  17. My idea of the perfect snow is when it’s one of those snows with the big beautiful flakes that float slowly down, and I don’t have to go anywhere so I can sit with a cup of hot chocolate and watch it through the window… for about an hour– then it can disappear, as I’d rather not have to drive in it!

  18. The first snow fall of the year is always something I look forward to!
    The air is crisp, the snowflakes are beautiful and the excitement it brings
    to the kids is full of fun!

  19. I love snow anytime because it beautifies the land and gives it a clean slate. Everything takes on a calm quietness and suddenly you don’t mind the cold. Once it stops, you hear the sounds of children laughing and playing and they can’t wait to get outside instead of on their nintendo and other game systems. Without the snow, the cold is bitter and freezing and you can’t get warm and you hate going outside. The children don’t want to go outside either. Snow makes everything more fun. I’m lucky to live in the mountains of North Carolina where many times it snows and then it’s gone after several days. My husband says that’s the best snow but I secretly love snow anytime.

  20. November is too early for me! I enjoy snow, but I like it to wait until after the holidays so I can still drive everywhere I need/want to.

  21. Snow in November would be divine! We hardly ever get any good snows in St. Louis anymore. Snow always adds a festive and cozy feeling to the holidays.

  22. Living in Hawaii, I haven’t seen snow falling here. I recently saw pictures of snow falling in Washington State. I remember traveling to Mt. Rainier with my family; we saw snow, made snow angels and ate their famous berry pie!! Yum!!
    I would really enjoy reading the book Mice Skating to my special needs PK students. We all could experience the season of “Winter”, what one can do when the temperature drops below freezing, snow falls and lakes freeze!

  23. Season change and with each we can expect different types of weather. Snow in November is inevitable here in northern Illinois so I say “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow”.

  24. Growing up in Phoenix, AZ , living 10 yrs in Dallas, TX, and now 27 yrs in Chicago, i have come to absolutely LOVE the fall/autumn season and would be happy if winter took it’s time arriving in December and staying through February.

  25. Snow flurries and a biting wind on Friday made me grateful for the wood pile that I was stacking to make the house warm and cozy for the upcoming winter. Snow? It will happen and it will be fun!

  26. I live in Western New York, so snow is a way of life once the end of October/beginning of November comes along. My students love it, since it means Christmas is right around the corner!

  27. I grew up in upstate NY lots of snow and outdoor ice skating. Living in Phx Az for the past 20+
    years. November means snow. I miss is so 🙁 not enough to move back of course! ……….

  28. Any snow in Houston is usually FAKE! My students and I would love to see some real snow! It’s been almost ten years since we have seen any in this part of Texas. Just damp, cold rain here… so YES… please Santa… let it snow!!

  29. I love just enough snow to get me in the mood to write my Christmas Letter. If that snow comes in November then I get a jump on getting my cards ready to send.

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