Knock, Knock!

Knock, knock. Who’s there?
Diane. Diane who?
“Di-ane” to hear from you!

I’m always dyin’ to hear from you! That’s no joke. 🙂 But here’s the real reason for my silliness. I’ve made a fun discovery! Monday, October 31, is National Knock-Knock Day. Yes, this is the same day as Halloween. However, that could be a good thing, depending on your teaching situation. If Halloween is strictly hands-off in your school or school district, perhaps now is the time to plan an afternoon share-athon of knock-knock jokes for laughs and giggles.

Get a load of this! If you think about it, this idea aligns with a listening and speaking goal from the Common Core State Standards! (Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks…”) If your students are capable of writing their own jokes, they’ll be practicing writing for a specific purpose (entertainment) and for a designated audience (their peers).

Teaching and learning are so much fun!


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