Keeping Things Simple

Happy August everyone! Did you know the first week of August is Simplify Your Life Week? I sure didn’t—at least not until just a few minutes ago! The way I see it, the timing of this special week is perfect for teachers. After all, when school begins, doesn’t every teacher wish his or her life could be a teeny bit simpler?

So how does one simplify life? Is it clearing out clutter? Is it trimming your to-do list to include only items that must be done? Or perhaps it’s sharing your to-do list with family members. I personally like the idea of hiring a cleaning service and a personal chef; however, the likelihood of this happening in my household is zippity zappity zero! 🙂

What ideas do you have for making life less complicated?

Dreaming of a personal chef,

10 thoughts on “Keeping Things Simple

  1. A mind-reading genie would be great. That way all of the great plans I have or come across could be put into action immediately and I wouldn’t have to worry about such a long, wishful to-do list!

  2. One thing I’ve learned is that the idea that less is more is true in almost everything. Also, invest in a hand held scanner. It is a miracle worker. Significantly cuts down the paper clutter.

  3. Just wondering that myself, how to simplify that is. After three garage sales and a big move to a new town we have definitely downsized our amount of clothes, children’s toys, and overall clutter, but now the unpscking begins and I’m still wondering if we have gotten rid of enough “stuff”.I’ve had to cut down my classroom items just to move it. I’ll take any great ideas.

  4. In a perfect world, my room would have a closet with shelves, right now I have cupboards thaat are nice, but not quite enough. My toy shelves are brimming and also a chore to stay on top of.The other thing on my wish list is a bathroom and sink in the classroom, it would make potty training less of a chore and could give us more successes earlier in the year. A more spacious room would be on that list,small spaces can be nice, but we tend to do the same thing at the same time simply because “centers” are hard to develop,

  5. During the school year I simplify by making a weekly meal plan, shopping only once on the weekend, then sticking to it! And my best friend: my crock pot! It’s not a personal chef, but I love to come home to the savory aroma with dinner ready to go! I’d recommend any “Fix It and Forget It” cookbooks (and especially their magazines with photos) for some great, time-saving recipes.

  6. I do the same thing as Tracy, and it helps me so much. Otherwise I feel like I waste so much time at the grocery store. I also think cutting down on clutter helps tremendously-now if I can just get my husband to agree with that….

  7. I am the same one that responded in #7. What I have accomplished in the meantime in my room has been miraculous for me. I was able to make little projects out of different tasks throughout the summer and tie it all came together on cleaning day with the help of a very good friend who has a gift for organizing me and we got all the loose ends tied up. Now when we are done cleaning up after Irene we will be ready to launch a new year.

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