June Giveaway!

It’s June. It’s the first Monday in June. It’s the 156th day of the year. And, well, I think a giveaway is in order! All in favor, say, “Yea!”

Lucky for you, I’ve got some of The Mailbox cash up for grabs. 🙂 That’s right; I have two $20.00 gift certificates from The Mailbox: one gift certificate for each of two lucky winners! To be entered in this super-duper giveaway, simply pick one difficulty or hurdle you faced during the past school year and tell us how you plan to avoid this problem during the next school year. Think about organization, storage, discipline, getting to work on time…whatever!

I can’t wait to hear from you! Be sure to post your comments on this blog no later than midnight EDT, Sunday, June 10.


Congratulations to Kristy and Verna! They’re the winners of our giveaway!

57 thoughts on “June Giveaway!

  1. One difficulty I faced during the past year was organizing papers/activities once a unit was completed – purging items not used and keeping only the very best. I plan to avoid this problem by working a few extra days this week to organize and to stay on top of this next year by not pulling out a new unit until the former unit is put away ready to go for the following year!

  2. I think the most difficult think I faced this pass year was being oranized and on top of things. I tend to wait to the very last minute to prepare for my class. I am going to make a schedule and plan ahead for the next week and eventually I would like to be one month ahead.

  3. One difficulty I faced this year was problems amongst staff. Two teachers that I teach with were always at each others’ throats. Both were my friends so one would come to me to complain about the other and then the other would come to me to complain about the one. I will be moving to a new city and a new school with the 2012-2013 school because of my husband’s situation, but in the future I believe I could prevent getting in the middle by not allowing them to complain to me. I should have encouraged them to talk to each other.

  4. This was my first year in a homeroom classroom. I had previously been a computer literacy teacher and math intervention teacher. Needless to say, I learned a lot this year! 🙂

  5. My biggest obstacle continues to be my idea that the next unit has to be perfectly planned before I can introduce it. This leads to a lot of disorganization on my part. I am going to have to force myself to stay on track. I will use Thursday evening prior to organize what I have accumulated for the coming unit and then have to learn to let the rest go.

  6. One of my difficulties was that I was new to first grade. I did things exactly like my teaching partners. They are great teachers, but we are different. This year, as I move to second grade, I will remember that even though it is a new grade for me, I can make it more me!

  7. My biggest obstacle wants wanting to plan to far in advance. I’ve recently gotten married and think this in and of itself will keep me too busy from planning too far in advance. 😉

  8. One of my biggest hurddles is organization and i have almost mastered it i just need to fine tune a couple of times and ill have agreat new year my biggest fall back is not remmebering important dates do using my calandar book will help me tremendously thanks

  9. As always organizing things. I am better but wow its hard because I love to intro new things so that means more work.

  10. My biggest challenge was trying to do too much with each theme. I ended up disappointed and frustrated. I know to just pick a few things and change them up next year if I want to.

  11. My biggest challenge was lesson plans. I plan to create all lesson plans during the summer, so I can be more focused during the year.

  12. My biggest challenge was that I got involved in too many extra things at school and felt totally overwhelmed and exhausted by the end of the school year. I am going to only do a couple extra things and not spread myself too thin next year.

  13. As always, trying to keep all the various materials, papers,and things needed for each month in order. I need to “weed out” a few things! 🙂

  14. I had several challenges this year. First it was my first year back to work in twelve years. First years back to work with a family. All this was juggling and a time challenge but it was workable. Then the preschool I went back to sold to a corporate place in midyear so this led to my second chalenge of changes and staff changes and conflicts. I was happy when I walked into my classroom but if I had to deal with anything outside my room it was a little stressful. I love my kiddos and families and being back in education again but there were several challenges for me in my first year back! I always stayed positve thru it all! Thanks to Mailbox for all your great inspirations and ideas!

  15. The biggest difficulty I faced this year was coming into a class in the middle of the year. I began teaching the last week in December. Students and I had to become adjusted to new routines, new ways of doing things as well as new rules and regulations. There was a tremendous amount of adjustment and aclamation that had to be done by the students, the parents and by me! I will learn to be even more flexible and not let “little” things overwhelm me, and I will more carefully select which battles I wish to fight this coming school year.

  16. Lining my preschoolers up to wash their hands by typical line ups (color of shirt, boy/girl) resulted in too many children in line at once waiting to wash hands. Next year I’m going to dismiss children by having them work on skills they need like creating patterns, counting objects, or hopping on one foot on a hopscotch board. They’ll take longer keeping the lines shorter.

  17. Organization was a challenge for me this year. I plan to be more organized this year by starting my lesson plans and theme boxes this summer.

  18. I think the most difficult thing for me is to not stress myself out. I get all these awesome activities and lessons. I do to much and I let myself stress about what I want to get done. And when I don’t get it done I tend to get extremely stressed out even more. I need to just get what is needed and if there is time for more than do it but I don’t have to teach the kids to do rocket science……Thanks for doing this contest. This would help me getting more supplies…..

    thank you,

    Shannon Margaret

  19. Wow! Can I relate to this thing called organization! I make improvements every year,but I could do things better. A closet and a filing cabinet would help greatly, but I possess neither so I muddle through.

  20. This year my challenge was keeping my documentation of my special education students. So I am going to work on a plan and get organized for next year over the summer.

  21. One of the difficulties I faced this year was trying to find ways to help two of my students get along. I swear, they fought over the air they breathed! It was very stressful for them, their classmates, and for myself. I have already implemented some changes to help should this be a problem next year. The biggest one is having a ‘Talking Corner’. I have the two children go to the talking corner to discuss the problems between them. They used to spend 10 minutes or longer in the corner talking but now they are able to address their problems more quickly.

  22. Organization was at it’s weakest this year with all of my things spread out all over the city during the 9 months I was out of my home due to the flood. I am back home now and looking forward to going through all those tubs which were crammed to the hilt with all of my teaching treasures. I am so thankful that the flood stopped at 1 foot from my main floor ceiling…any more and I would have lost so much more on the upper level. I was able to get my treasurers out of the condo once the water receded so they wouldn’t take on that awful river smell. I count my blessings every day…yes I do!! But I am going through my things and tossing out… I look forward to starting the next school year with much more organization…1 tub at a time. Yeah!!

  23. My biggest concern last year was implementing to a new math series. My colleagues and I have discussed changes we will make this coming year and hopefully a better pacing schedule will develop.

  24. Time management in the classroom. We always get so involved with the activities I lose track of time and suddenly it’s time to go home. Not sure how I’m going to fix this one…use a timer maybe.

  25. I started a new grade this past year and organization was key. Now I’m moving to a new classroom and starting up a new position in our school. I need some more ideas for organization and teaching K-8. Help!

  26. When working with Head Start there are always new guidelines to learn. This year was no exception-especially learning a new assessment tool. This was difficult to learn and use online. This fall should be easier since we are more aware of the program and what to document.

  27. Last year I had a problem with small infractions in the classroom- talking during work time, keeping hands to yourself, acting silly during work time. This year, I plan to implement an individual positive reinforcement plan that enables the students to earn priviledges. I’m eager to try out this new system!

  28. Record keeping will be my challenge this upcoming year. We are changing from traditional grading to standards based assessment. I will also be moving from teaming teaching 4th grade math, science, and social studies to a self contained 4th grade class. A $20 gift certificate will be a start towards gathering resources for next year’s challenges.

  29. Coming off of one of my best years, I predict that next year’s challenge is going to be getting the upcoming group of kiddos under control. We have watched them run wild this year, knowing that at the start if the new year, they are going to give us a run for our money. Classroom management is one of my strengths, so I know I won’t be curled up under my desk crying, but I had such a great year this year, I know it’s going to be a huge adjustment….lol

  30. This year, I had a problem with space in my classroom. To solve this issue, I have asked that my desk be removed from the room. I don’t ever sit there until after school anyway! I will be able to rearrange my room, get some rugs, etc. I am very excited.

  31. My greatest hurdle last year (and the year before that…)is spending too much time in my classroom. I would often spend at least 2 hrs. each afternoon when the kids left plus time on the weekends.

    This year my goal is to work smarter not harder. I also plan to schedule my extra time in my classroom and leave when I planned to…not when I finish this one more thing!

  32. My biggest hurdle this year? That is easy. My second youngest was in Kindergarten this year. He is ADHD/OCD and had a very hard time. It took me all year to get him tested and an IEP meeting is two days before school is out. His self esteem has taken a dive, he was sent home over 20 times, we got close to 50 calls from the school about his behavior on top of that. I am a professional and every time we meet they do not treat me like a proffecional. I teach for our local community college Live and Learn with your 1, 2, and 3 year olds. I also teach parenting classes. I teach 30 miles from my kid’s school. I get calls all the time while I am teaching to come get my child or there is a problem. They don’t care if I am teaching; they want us at the school now. It has made it very hard to teach at the level I demand of myself. My fix is to take a year off. I have to make sure my son has a good year next year. Who knows maybe after I do that I will be able to open my dream free preschool in our poor rural area.

  33. My biggest challenge was having part time students and trying to plan lessons so that everyone was given the material. This next year I am moving up with my kids and all have chosen to be full time. Now the challenge will be to have a full classroom daily and try and since the kids know me to keep them from regressing. The biggest challenge for me will be using the Spaulding and Singapore lessons-I have never used them. Any ideas would be appreciated.

  34. One of my biggest obstacles last year was time management. I spread myself very thin with too many projects and events both inside and outside of school. My goal for next year is to always put the teaching ministry before my other areas of ministry. My other huge obstacle was behavior management. I am currently modifying my discipline procedures and chart to reflect my refreshed policy. I am very excited for August 22!

  35. The greatest challenge I have had this year is being a first year teacher 🙂 I have had great schooling but no college course can prepare you enough until you are in the classroom. It was an overall great year but I had many learning experiences as I worked with a child who had severe ADHD and and was possibly ED. I learned about patience and how to not lose control of my classroom even if a child wanted to control the classroom in a violent way. Along with this student, I had many students who came from rough homes. I realized that many of them did not grow up as I did and I had to show them experiences I had growing up such as Holiday celebrations, how to tie-dye, and even making homemade ice cream. Overall I have learn a lot about how I am going to change in my classroom next year!

  36. A big obstacle I faced this year was advanced planning. I like to have my plans done by Friday, so I can enjoy the weekend and also use it to prepare. I found many last minute plans, or scrapping what had been planned because my original plans weren’t as effective as I had wanted them to be. I hope this year will be better because I have taught a year in this grade level and know what is coming next.

  37. This year we are starting a new discipline program B.I.S.T. We will have a workshop two days before school, then try to use it with the students. I have seen programs come and go, I’m three years from retirement.

  38. I struggled with helping the teachers use technology effectively while taking care of my students in the computer lab. I felt pulled in 100 different directions!

  39. Tackling the Common Core and the shove into across the board differentiated learning. The class coming up if full of challenges in behavior and learning issues. I definately will have my hands full.

  40. Next year I am teamed with several young teachers that think they know everything. So getting along with them will be my biggest challenge. Only through God’s help will I be able to do it.

  41. The biggest obstacle I faced this year was working with a new director and teachers who would go to her boss to complain when they needed something they weren’t getting, rather than going to her directly. Next year I will continue to be the great teacher I know I am, and be flexible when little things change. Change should be embraced!

  42. I think my biggest challenge is always organization. There are so many great ideas out there, and I am always finding new ones that will help students learn something, but I tend to not file them in the right places and then I can’t find the ideas when I want them. So a better organizational system would be something to definitely work on.

  43. One of my biggest hurdles this school year was having a large ELL population and not having the vast growth for them as I did for my other learners.
    I need to focus on how I can work with the ELL teachers and help those struggling with our language as well as teaching them the skills required for the next grade level. I also plan to engage them in small groups that make them more comfortable and allow them time to experience language so that the focus is off the language and more on the skill.

  44. My biggest challenge this year was being team leader of a team where part of the team hated being in our school–so much that one actually walked out in January! These were new teachers to our school and they had made it clear they would not be back next year and hated it this year. Attendance was a problem with these teachers which left the rest of us in a bind and really required the rest of the team to be stressed.

  45. Sorry, I forgot to write how I would improve next year. Well, I am praying for more team cohesiveness and new teachers who want to work at our school.
    yes, we do have problems, but teachers need to remember–they are just children.

  46. I had a great year. I taught 1st grade for nine years and then the last two in kindergarten. I am relearning how to manage the kinders, a new school, and the changes to our schedule. I want to find ways to get in more movement activities and mangage those little segments of time. i love the kinders and am looking forward to a great new bunch and a even better year than last.

  47. Hello.
    I am a Site Supervisor at a State Preschool. I have many responsibilites to fulfill throughout the year to maintain the state requirements. This next year I would like to put more emphasis on parent interaction and education. I think that in order to provide a strong foundation for children, parents and teachers must work as a team. I would like to come up with some creative and fun ways to promote our positive interactions and communication.

  48. My biggest problem last year was paperwork! During the middle of the school year we had staff changes and I was left to be the lead Sped teacher. This was the first time I have been in that position. For years I had gladly let someone else do this job!But, as fate had it, I was quickly thrust into this world of deadlines and paperwork…and more deadlines….and more paperwork….as if sped doesn’t have enough paperwork as it was! I was getting emails looking for reports I didn’t even know about! Next year I will confront this problem head-on. I am creating a Lead teacher notebook tabbed for the different areas I am in charge of….IEP due dates, FTE Counts….Projections, etc. This way, I will have them all in one place when I need them! I will also utilize my calendar more for reminders for due dates!

  49. My biggest challenge this past year…and for many years before!….lay in finding a balance between my professional life and my personal life. I have taught many years and love it just as much as when I first started, but I have let myself become so much tuned into my work that it borders on selfishness and is certainly not healthy on a personal level, causing me to become way too one-dimensional, and often times depriving myself and my family of quality time together. I am determined to make a change! 🙂

    I am starting off this summer, by getting my house in order, doing all those extra chores that I have put off for so long, exercising and eating more healthily, and relaxing with my family. I am also setting myself a limit per day of how long I will spend on school things…and sticking to it! Hopefully, these changes will help me start the new year more balanced and healthy and will help me to keep my priorities where they should be, so as to better meet the needs of all those whose lives I am blessed to touch. 🙂

  50. Being back to teaching preK after a long break, moving just days prior to starting my new job with Head Start I would say my biggest challenge was time management. The amount of documentation required, the lesson planning, phone calls, conferences, and home visits all just piled up. This year I know more what to expect. I’ll set a schedule for when each round of conference or home visit should be completed and I now know about all the little “surprises” that come up in the year eating into the work time I thought I would have. I’m also spending a big part of my summer organizing the piles of themes so they are ready to go and have a home when I finish with them next year.

  51. Hi, I am a home visitor and I lose a lot of pieces to my toys. My solution for next year is to bring what I’m going to call the special play mat which will just be a table cloth or shower curtain and that is going to be where the toys must stay. I sure hope it works!

  52. My biggest obstacle was organization/storage. I was doing so well until February/March.

    As the year went on, I was always too tired to put things back where I had gotten them. I’d pile items in a corner when I was finished with them and then bring in more stuff! 😉

    Part of the problem was that I’d had 2 surgeries within the year, and lifting/carrying things was a chore. I had no help, and it truly was difficult to get everything into my vehicle and into the classroom — let alone pack it all up again to take it back to storage.

    I would like to downsize over the summer and get rid of items I didn’t use often. That would help so much for the upcoming school l year.

  53. ORGANIZATION!!! I will be enjoying our first year of the RISE evaluation this coming school year and will HAVE to be organized to keep track of everything I will be responsible for showing to my principal at the end of the year! My teaching partner and I have been working on making binders for each nine weeks, planning, CCSS, and RISE evaluations–all color coded!=)

  54. I think time management, planning and organization are the challenges I have faced. The after school kids have lots of energy to be released. The young ones like to change their attention span frequently. Keeping them all actively playing and learning can keep you on your toes.

  55. My problem was that I didn’t do as well keeping my papers or files put away after I finished using them. I am definitely going to better on this because now I have a big ole mess! LOL

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