It’s Giveaway Time!

It’s the first Friday in August and you know what that means—it’s hot and it’s time for a giveaway! This month’s back-to-school prize pack includes a super fun “flip the flap” informational dinosaur book, a five-pack of colorful gel pens, a 24-pack of presharpened #2s, a pair of magnetic clips, a five-pack of colorful clothespins, and a nifty chalkboard easel that’s a perfect fit for a teacher’s desk. Pretty cool, huh?

To enter for a chance to win the prize pack, simply choose a question from below to answer. Then leave your answer right here on the blog before midnight, Sunday, August 13, 2017.  

A. What is the first day of school for students?

B. What have you purchased in preparation for school year. (supplies, shoes, etc.)?

C. About how long does it take you to ready your classroom for a new school year?

Jazzed about back-to-school supplies!


PS: We’ll announce the winner on the blog and we’ll also notify the winner at the email address used to submit the comment. In the event that the winner does not respond before October 1, an alternate winner will be selected.

PPS: We have other contests running on our blogs too. Check out the community helpers books Karen is giving away. Click here.


Congratulations to Kelly (comment 46). She is the winner of this month’s First Friday Giveaway!

96 thoughts on “It’s Giveaway Time!

  1. I have purchased lots of Target Dollar Spot items for my classroom, and some markers and glue sticks. I pick things up here and there and then it’s like Christmas when I take all the bags into my classroom and remember what I bought : ) I do have a sheet that I keep a total of how much I spend though so I don’t go over my budget or spend too much!

  2. My students first day is September 12. I teach preschool and they would just love the dinosaur book! Especially one little boy who is obsessed with dinosaurs!

  3. first day was July 20. year round school. I have bought glue sticks, colored pencils, crayons, new homework folders. I cant pass up a good deal on school supplies. It takes me a few days to get my class setup for the new year.

  4. -My students in New Jersey begin is September 7 2017
    -What haven’t I purchased for the start of the new school year? I bought pencils/pens, paper, posters for each academic subject, butterfly chairs, headphones, lap desks, colored gel pens just to mention a few items
    -I never stop planning my classroom for the new school year. But I do the hard work of finalizing the planning June 1 and continue until the end of the first week of school

  5. Takes about a week to get everything ready in my classroom. But I end up rearranging a lot throughout the year.

  6. My kiddos start back on September 5, but us teachers go back on August 28. It takes me about a week to put my room back together but I spend all summer (about 8 weeks) putting stuff together and getting ready to get back in my room!

  7. First day of school is August 28. (Teachers go back on August 18, though.)
    I have purchased stickers and sticker charts.
    It usually takes me 4 days to have my room set the way I want it.

  8. Our first day of school is August 21st.
    I have purchased a new Welcome sign to a new room !
    It will probably take a week or more, had to move classrooms !

  9. Last week of August is when we go back! And, I’ve gotten so much stuff for the new year, but mainly a lot of games; board, construction, etc.

  10. Our kids start on Aug. 16. Have been working and cleaning on my classroom for 10 days. I have purchased many items for my room including some flexible seating.

  11. Our first day is August 23.
    I have bought some basic supplies, markers, pencils, etc.
    It usually takes me a week to get my classroom ready…

  12. First day for our students is September 5th! It’s my favorite time of the year getting to know my students! It’s also the week of my birthday so I throw a small party in my class!

  13. I’ve purchase two new classroom rugs, 30 boxes of crayons, robot name tags, 12 bottles of glue, 3 dozen pencils, STEM activity book

  14. School starts August 22. It’ll be my first day with Prek kids. I’ve worked wirh other children for the past 4 years. I have bought Excedrin migraine, 3 paid of comfortable shoes, and colorful sharpies so far!

  15. It’s the annual shopping trip for new desk nametags and locker nametags, bulletin board decorations, writing tools, paper, and of course treats for back-to-school survival kits.

  16. I’ve purchased the CD Music for the Mind to use during writing and possibly reading. Classical music played at 60 beats per minute and is very relaxing

  17. The first day of school is the day after Labor day. Supplies purchased are washable markers (fat & thin), glue sticks, elmers glue, construction paper, copy paper, watercolors, tempera, dot paint, chalk, crayons (reg & toddler).

  18. I am going from First Grade to PreK this year, so therefore I have purchased EVERYTHING!!! Furniture, books, manipulatives, curtains, books, containers, supplies, labels, decor–now shopping for my five teenagers to begin school!! I am very excited but worn out already ????

  19. The first day of school for our students is August 28, 2017. I have been shopping the sales for supplies since the beginning of July. Just spent the last two days putting my room together!

  20. Our first day of school was Monday Aug. 7th.
    I bought a bunch of stuff- some new manipulatives, tape, markers, paper, ect…
    We get a full week (40 hours) of pre-planning time, which was put to good use!

  21. Our first day back is August 23rd. I have purchased new clothes supplies, and resources to use in my class. This year I prepped a lot in may before school let out but it took me 2 days this year. Thanks for the chance! Hope I win!

  22. I would love to have at least a week to prepare the classroom, but we only get about two half days to prepare.

  23. It takes me about 4 weeks to get set for the year if I’m squeezing time in between driving kids around and being a mom (no complaints! – I love every moment with them). If it were uninterrupted time, probably 1 1/2 weeks.

  24. I have purchased school supplies for the children and also teacher supplies that I need for the school year. We start in September.

  25. We are a year round child care and I have two year olds. they will do anything for a sticker, so I always have a variety and pick them up as I see them!

  26. First day of school is tomorrow August 10. We spent over a week getting the classroom ready. We made whisper phones and lanyards for each of the 32 kids in the class. Purchased special items for the eclipse

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