Freebies for Teachers: This Summer, It’s All About You!

Summer is a time for taking care of business—not regular school-year business, like progress reports and grading, but just-for-you business, like getting organized, catching up on reading, and recharging your batteries. Scroll down to find freebies and contests designed to help you do just that!

Submit a comment to our blog by midnight EDT on Monday, July 25, to let us know which of these offers will help you get organized and get ahead this summer. One lucky teacher will win a just-for-you item: The Educator’s Guide to Grants, new from Lorenz Educational Press. The book comes with a CD featuring hundreds of funding sources. Submit your comment right now! (Update: So many teachers were interested in this book, I wish I had a dozen more to give away! Congratulations to Rene, who is our winner!)


Having high-quality office furniture goes a long way toward helping you get your work space at home organized. Hertz Furniture is lending a helping hand: one lucky teacher will win a home office furniture set valued at $1,000. Nominate a colleague to win, or enter yourself. It’s all at Hurry, this contest ends August 1, 2011.


University of Phoenix offers continuing teacher education to fit your schedule and budget—and they are waiving the application fee through September 1, 2011. Ready to get started? Click here and share any question or problem that continuing education can help you solve.



Get the tools you need to be more effective with the X-ACTO Classroom Giveaway! New at, enter to win $500 in X-ACTO products, including trimmers, blades, pencil sharpeners, staplers, and other classroom must-haves. Click here now. This contest ends August 31, 2011.


Don’t forget, share a comment on our blog and you could win our prize!


38 thoughts on “Freebies for Teachers: This Summer, It’s All About You!

  1. Would love the grant book Karen. Our preschool could use some help with expenses. And I will be entering the xacto contest. Thanks

  2. I entered the Xacto contest. The grant book sounds wonderful. With the poor funding and lousy economy we have now I believe everyone can use all the xtra help they can get! Thank yuou for this great opportunity!

  3. Organizing is top priority during the summer months! I keep my teacher magazines,books, craft items,school supplies and theme props in clear containers. I purchase so many items through out the year and during the summer months. I like to keep extras in case a student does not have crayons,glue, etc. at home for projects. I will enter the Home Office contest and the X-Acto contest.

  4. WOW! I would love to have that guide to school grants. My school is very behind in technology, we are just getting the ball rolling to start applying for grants. This resource would help so much! I’m excited to see that there are books out there like this. Thanks for the great postings, I always enjoy checking back to see the new things I can apply for to win!

  5. It is exciting to know there is a resource available to help guide educators in writing grants as well as choosing the best grant to apply for. It would be fantastic to have this for our schools. We as teachers could work together with this available tool and write grants that would help our students achieve at higher levels.

  6. I would love the grant writing book. I am starting over in a new grade this fall. Went from life skills to first grade and now I’m moving to kindergarten. Would love to write some grants to improve our all day kindergarten program!

  7. A book of grants resources is a great idea! It would be a wonderful addition to the professional development shelf we have at school.

    I just completed my masters online and would recommend it to anyone interested taking additional grad classes.

  8. I would love to have the guide to writing grants. Our school is a Title I school, but our funding has been cut dramatically. Last year I did not receive any money to spend in my classroom. I would love to explore new ways to get the necessary supplies my kindergarten students need.

  9. Having the Guide To Grants would be a wonderful tool in the classroom. There is always something new teachers should have but never enough funding to get it. I love the furniture and x-acto contests. Teacher desks are so old. Time for an upgrade. Thanks for offering such wonderful chances to upgrade the classroom.

  10. I am entering the home office and E-Xacto sweepstakes. As a struggling new teacher any and all help in getting organized would be appreciated. As a special educator, the grant writing book would be beneficial. I have many ideas that I would love to implement, such as High interest, low level books for boys that would be available for my students to use.

  11. What a great resource book! It would be a wonderful addition to our Title 1 school library. Having a book to help find and write grants right at your fingertips would be so helpful! With childhood obesity a big issue that we are facing now, it would be great to find grants to get programs started to get children up and moving! Thanks for this post!

  12. I would love to have the grant writing guide. My school’s budget was reduced by a third for this upcoming year. It would be nice to have a resource like this on hand.

  13. I would love to have that guide to school grants. I work at a charter school that really relies on parent and community donations, as well as grants. I would love to get into grant writing for my classroom.

  14. I would love to own this guide!! Our school budget for technology is non-existent. I have been looking for grants and need some guidance on how to write a good grant.
    Thank you!!

  15. Entered both sweepstakes. Usually do but never win. I’m not giving up. I check out your website daily. Thank you for all the offers you give educators. Would love the grant writing guide. Our district is making so many cuts this year. I appreciate any offer you have.

  16. I entered for Exacto and the Herz Furniture because it never hurts to try to win. What teacher doesn’t need more pencil sharpeners and what school doesn’t need additional furniture. Thanks for the offers!

  17. What a great way to get items for your classroom – especially when the new school year is right around the corner!

  18. Please enter me in the drawing. Our school district lost 2 elementary schools, a middle school, a Headstart building and more to a horrific flood . Hundreds of staff members lost their homes as well. Need to get our students and staff back on their feet. Thank you!

  19. I’m a new teacher hoping to work in inner city and can absolutely use all the help I can get! This would be a great book to have!

  20. I would like to be entered into the contest! I am a fourth grade teacher working for an inner city school and could use all the supplies I can get! Thank you!

  21. Please include me in your drawing. In today’s shortfall of money what school could not use some extra help. I would love to improve the computers we use to create our yearbook, along with the photo editing software the students could use long after they graduate high school.

  22. Our urban school has suffered so many cuts with more coming before school starts in September. Many of us have spent part of our summer looking for grant money for our school. It would be so helpful to have the Educator’s Guide to Grants. Thank you for the opportunity to enter & best of luck for a great year to everyone!!

  23. I would love to win the grant book. I work in an inner city Title I school and we have not received any supplies in the past 2 years – no crayons, glue, markers, paper, etc. Everything has come out of my own pocket. I would love to know about some grants that I could apply for. Thanks!

  24. I would be so grateful for the grant – with state budgets so very tight – our program will loose an amount of money. I work for the Family Resource Center of North Berkshire in Massachustts. We are a family support program. My primary job is play and learn group facilitator. I facilitate 6 groups a week for families with young children from birth to age 8. These are parent child groups, so parents meet other parents and children meet other children. Our programs primary goals are to reduce isolation among families; provide parent education to give parents a range of tools to help them to be the parent they canbe; provide resources for parents; create groups that help young children grow socially, emotionally, and academically along with their peers; and promote literacy. The grant would allow the Family Resource Center and myself provide an even richer learning and growing enviroment for our families.

  25. The X-Acto products will definitely get me ahead of the game for next school year. I have no manual sharpener and my electric one went on the blink last school year. The trimmers will help with things that I make such as mini-certificates, punch cards, borders, etc.. I would love to be a winner! Thank you for the opportunity.

  26. A grant book would allow me to find grants targeted at my Title 1 school’s many needs. I teach first grade and, as many other teachers, spend my own money to support my classroom needs. I’ve spent my summer searching for grants with very little success. The Educator’s Guide to Grants would make this task so much easier. Thanks for the opportunity.

  27. Cutting down on the amount of time a student spends on activities that take away from the lessons and student productivity is always a goal we need to focus on. Pencil sharpeners account for about 5 minutes of time away from academic tasks for each student in a typical day. It adds up. Electronic sharpeners are a simple way to eliminate the problem, but never included in the supplies provided for teachers or classrooms. Manual sharpeners break long before the mid year mark. I spend a great deal of personal time preparing centers and pieces for activities. The products available from X-Acto can give teachers their evening and weekend time back to enjoy family and personal growth. What a wonderful gift!

  28. I teach 10-12 English at a high-poverty school in the Arkansas Delta, so I am always looking for freebies! Please enter me in your contests! Thanks.

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