First Read-Aloud of the School Year

Oh my! HCIBTA (How Can It Be Thursday Already)?

What is the title of the first book you’ll read to your students? Please include your grade level!

Answer this question, and your name will be entered in our one-week, back-to-school giveaway! Deadline for entries is midnight August 22. Click here for more details.

Hang in there!

102 thoughts on “First Read-Aloud of the School Year

  1. I teach fifth grade and I’ve found that by reading The Ghost of Fossil Glen it helps get my students hooked on good books early in the year.

  2. I teach Kindergarten and I always read Wemberly Worried. Kindergarteners are often nervous on the first day of school and the character Wemberly, worries about the same things as they do. It promotes great discussion in class and by the end of the story everyone realizes that going to school really isn’t so bad.

  3. I teach 1st grade. Junie B. 1st Grader. (At Last)
    Those books seem to really relate to my 1st graders. Its like Junie B. is in our classroom.

  4. I teach second grade and always start the year by reading The Flunking of Joshua T. Bates. It is a great story about a boy who is held back in second grade but works hard with the help of a caring teacher to return to his third grade classmates.

  5. I teach Kindergarten and have some new ones to try, but there are a couple I always read on the first day somewhere. The Kissing Hand and The Letters are Lost. I read that one to get them excited that they are going to learn how to read. The Kissing Hand is a great one if they are feeling scared or missing their families.

  6. On the first day of school I like to read a cute book called “First Day Jitters”by Julie Danneburg. It opens up the whole discussions about emotions/feelings of starting something new. There are a ton of resources online to back up the story. After the story, we follow up with a few oral questions and then begin our first journal activity which is “Write about how you feel about starting 3rd grade and tell if you have ever felt this way outside of school” It gives me some insight on the children’s writing skills, as well as them personally. Hope everyone has a great first day!:}

  7. I teach fifth grade any my students really enjoy the book The Top Ten Ways to Ruin the First Day of School. It is very comical and leads to some great writing ideas.

  8. I teach first and I LOVE LOVE the book First Day Jitters. It lets kids know it’s ok to be nervous and that teachers get nervous too.

  9. I just found Pete the Cat, Rocking In my School Shoes. It has a catchy song to go with it with funky rhythms. I’m going to use it for my first day read.

  10. I teach prek – we read the kissing hand and then sometimes Tuckers first day – I also love to read wemberly worried to them.

  11. I teach preschool and I always read “Will I Have a Friend?” by Miriam Cohen Pictures by Lillian Hoban.Written in the 60’s but still so perfect for preschool!

  12. I teach 4th grade and this year I’ll be starting out with Judy Blume’s Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing. It’s always a favorite and I want to start off strong this year by introducing my reluctant readers to a hilarious series and a wonderful author.

  13. I teach Kindergarten and I actually read two books!
    They are The Kissing Hand and Ms. Bindergarten Getsready for Kindergarten.

  14. I teach PreK and read The Kissing Hand. It’s always been a a great story for my kids, some of whom spend that first day really missing mom. We also create an art project that they can take home and share with a parent or caregiver that helps reinforce the message in the book.

  15. I teach preschool – the first book we will read is My Preschool by Anne Rockwell, and then The Kissing Hand. But my other favourite to read in the first weeks is We Share Everything by Robert Munsch. I change it from Kindergarten to Preschool – the kids love it!

  16. I just found my book today… on the first day I always share a picture book. I teach fifth grade and found a great book called Miss Smith’s Incredible Storybook by Michael Garland. Love the illustrations and the story encourages reading. I can’t wait to read it to my kiddos!

  17. I teach Kindergarten, and I will be reading “Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten”, and “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”.

  18. I teach Kindergarten and plan on reading The Kissing Hand. I then give each student a heart sticker to place on the palm of their hand.

  19. Kindergarten Orientation was last night. I read Back to School Tortoise, by Lucy M. George. The kids loved it!

  20. I teach first grade and we always read The Night Before First Grade, by Natasha Wing. The children always relate to it (as do I)!

  21. First Day Jitters then I read Last Day Blues on the last day of school. They are wonderful and I (and my 3rd graders) absolutely love them!!!

  22. I teach first grade….I like to read The Kissing Hand and I have another story called The Day the Monster Came to School. Fun stories for the beginning of school.

  23. I read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom ABC. My welcome board reads Chicka chicka boom boom welcome to our room, we read the story then make our own hand print alphabet trees to add to the bulletin board that has a life size tree with the alphabet dancing up it. I teach Pre-Kindergarten.

    The last book I read to my students is Oh the Places You will Go by Dr. Seuss.

  24. My kindergarten class hears The Kissing Hand the first day of school; this year we’ll also read Froggy Goes to School (our mascot this year is a stuffed frog).

  25. I read Chrysanthemum to my first graders which leads to a discussion about name length, finding names from scrambled letters, and graphing number of letters in class names.

  26. I teach kindergarten and will read The Gingerbread Man in the morning. Then we go on a walk through our building to find the hidden gingerbread cookies which we will have for snack in the afternoon. The walk is a way to introduce the kinders to the building; we visit the principal, the secretary, the cooks, the librarian, etc. The kids love this and remember it all year!

  27. I work with preschool age children. I like to read Llama Llama Misses Mama, or Froggy Goes to School. I also include The Kissing Hand in my first week of school.

  28. I am doing a “Leap Into Learning” theme with frogs so my first book will be “Froggy Goes to School”. Hopefully, they will be giggling by the time I am through reading it to them!

  29. I teach kindergarten and I read The Kissing Hand and Ms. Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten.
    I continue all week with back to school books.

  30. I teach second grade and each year I read That Dreadful Day by James Marshall. Wonderful story for all ages, I love the illustrations of the grandfather as a boy-he has his moustach!

  31. I used to read I HATE ENGLISH! because here in Saudi Arabia, students seems so scared of english language and that book opened their minds a bit and try to accept us teachers too.

  32. I will be reading Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge to my fifth grade students. Wonderful book about the definition of a memory.

  33. I usually read Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten but this year I will be teaching fourth grade. I enjoyed scrolling through the posts to see what I should read this year:)

  34. I’ll be teaching first grade for the first time, and will be reading some of the suggestions here…thanks! I’m also planning on reading Have You Filled A Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud.

  35. One of our favorites for the first week of Pre-K is “If You Take a Mouse to School”. We also read “The Kissing Hand”.

  36. The Kissing Hand preschoolers and than introduce the book we will be working on for the entire week Five Ladybugs.

    Elizabeth Garcia

  37. Sharing with all classrooms k-6 — primary = Wilfred, Gordon, McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox & intermediate = Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude by Kevin O’Malley.

  38. I teach second grade and I read “Morris Goes to School” and “The Teacher from the Black Lagoon”.

  39. In the past for my kindergarten class I have read Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten and the Kissing Hand, this year i will start with David Goes to School by David Shannon to go over the school rules.

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