First Friday Giveaway and MORE

Are you ready for a giveaway extravaganza!

I sure hope so because Kim, Karen, and I have one lined up for you. Our First Friday Giveaway kicks off our big ole extravaganza. Then in celebration of YOU and National Teacher Appreciation Week 2017 (May 8–12), we are having five additional giveaways—one per school day. Each daily prize is different. I can’t reveal those prizes— I’ve been sworn to secrecy! However I can tell you they are super-duper.

So let’s get the ball rolling with today’s First Friday Giveaway! To enter for a chance to win the Wet/Dry Bag pictured and all the pencils and sticky notes stuffed inside, simply leave your answer to the following question in the comment section of this blog. Be sure to do this before midnight on Sunday, May 14, 2017. I’ll announce the winner right here on the blog, and I’ll also notify the winner at the email address used to submit the comment.  Here’s the question:

What is your favorite after-school snack?


Thanks for all you do!


Congratulations to Rebecca H., the winner of this month’s First Friday Giveaway!

226 thoughts on “First Friday Giveaway and MORE

  1. I am addicted to Fage crossovers and Chobani flips. I can get fruit or nut, or my favorite is the maple flavors. It is a good snack- protein and flavor. It is fun flipping the treat into the yogurt, too.

  2. My favorite snack is a basil-avocado dip served with crusty French bread or raw vegetables:Healthy and delicious.

  3. After school I love a ice cold Coke and pretzels. Happy teachers appreciation week to all of you at The Mailbox. You make us all shine

  4. Favorite after school snack is Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies. I would prefer the ones with nuts but we are a Peanut free zone and it includes all nuts.

  5. My favorite snack after school is a banana and a hot pepper cheese stick with a flavored water.

  6. My afterschool snack is chocolate. I need a quick pick me up after teaching 18 pre-k students. ????????

  7. My favorite afterschool snack is any kind of chips. On the days I teach the afterschool program, we sometimes make ourselves a big plate of nachos and share ????

  8. My favorite after school snack is DINNER, I eat last lunch and I am not usually hungry until dinner time LOL ????

  9. I love when a kiddo delivers me one of their birthday treats and I eat it as soon as I get back from bus duty!!!

  10. Kind bars, either coconut almond or peanut butter dark chocolate. My snacks need to be gluten free and these are really good.

  11. My favorite after school snack is candy….but I TRY to eat a piece of fruit…it’s called balance lol

  12. I prefer chocolate, almonds, chips, anything sweet and bad for me. However, given a choice, naps come in first.

  13. First, on my 1/2 hour ride home, I eat my bag of cut up vegetables. Then, when I get home, I grab the potato chips and dark chocolate for a real treat.

  14. Well since we eat lunch at 10:15, I am ready for anything by the time school gets out. I usually eat a JIF peanut butter/chocolate granola bar.

  15. My favorite after school snack is chocolate, but I try to make it something more healthy, like fruit or veggies.

  16. a granola bar with choclate and nuts or protein bar – but more often I end up having chocolate in the office (because the secretary keeps us well stocked in candy and chocolate)

  17. If I want to be healthy, an apple or banana with peanut butter. If I want to something not-so-healthy, an order of fries. 🙂

  18. something salty left from the lunch that I only had 10 minutes to eat – pretzels or cheese crackers, usually.

  19. A coffee and couple of toasts with honey and avocado on top. Your energy level goes up as a rocket ???? Besides being healthy????

  20. My favorite after school snacks are….whatever is in reach! Crackers, nuts, fruit, chips, cookies, granola bar, chocolate….????

  21. I really try to be healthy, but put a bag of Smartfood popcorn in front of me and I forget everything that’s happened throughout the day!

  22. My favourite after-school snack is chocolate almonds. I try to be healthy tho and usually make supper as soon as I get home from school.

  23. I did adult orthodontics starting in 2014. My braces came off in June 2016 so my favorites snacks are all things I avoided during that time. The best is popcorn!

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