First Friday Giveaway

Blog-Halloween-TargetIs that a gift card? It sure looks like a gift card. And check out the adorable monster pail and supply of scrumptious candy corn. Yessiree, it’s the first Friday of the month and this means it’s time for a giveaway here at The Mailbox Blog! Hooray!

Now you may not be aware that in addition to today being the first Friday in October, today—October 2—is also Name Your Car Day. I’ve never given a car a specific name—at least not one I care to share! :+) How about you? Have you owned or do you currently own a car that you’ve named? A simple yes or no will get you entered in this month’s giveaway. Of course I’m hopeful that you’ll share a few more details!

Leave your comment on this blog before midnight ET Sunday, October 11.

This is going to be fun!


PS: The value of the gift card is $15!


Congratulation to Laura, the winner of this month’s giveaway! FYI, she owns a Honda mini van with the name of Hercules. :+)

248 thoughts on “First Friday Giveaway

  1. My children, age 6 and 8, have named my current PT Cruiser “Cruisey”. They also like to pretend that she is alive like the cars in Disney’s Cars. 🙂

  2. Yes, Eleanor! I have a Chevrolet Traverse, the first new car I purchased. I got the name from the movie “Gone in 60 Seconds”, Nickolas Cage’s character has a favorite car in the movie and calls it Eleanor, so now I have my Eleanor!

  3. I have never named my car. My friend and I named her car “Speed Racer” in a tongue and cheek manner. It was an old car that was running on a prayer!

  4. Never named a car. Feels like a strange concept to me, but with all of those personalized license plates out there, I bet naming cars is more common than you’d think! I wonder how many people call the car the name of their plate?

  5. well- the gps is built into the car so we started calling the GPS MISTY for all the “missed” directions she gave–so now the car is Misty.

  6. Yes! My red dodge pick up, I named BIG Red. She was my “before getting married and having a baby” car. My Gmc terrain, my mom car, I named Beufort. He’s a southern gentleman. My 2 yr. Old calls him Bo 🙂

  7. I have had a few cars I have called a few names – lol – but I haven’t really ever named my car. Some of the names I have read sure sound cute!

  8. The only car I named was my first–a hand-me down four door that I would try to look cool in. Never worked through. 😛

  9. My Escape is named Ruby for her beautiful color of Ruby Red. Its Friday and been a busy week I may not be sparkling and shiny but my Ruby is.

  10. I once had a minivan we called “Piece o’Junk,” but no, I’ve never actually given my cars personal names. I’ve always wanted a red VW Beetle I could deck out like a ladybug and call “Lady,” though.

  11. My very first car was a gold Buick Skylark with a leaky sunroof and a permanent wet smell but it was all mine and hit me through college! “Her” name was Daisy!!

  12. I have a Honda mini van and there is an “H” on the front, of course. My daughters named the van Hercules! I love it!

  13. No I have never named my car. But I do call it the drop top mobile since it’s a convertible eclipse! Once had a friend who named her car Wilma LOL. She loved the Flinstones!

  14. Yes, of course ☺️ We lost my grandma suddenly, many years ago… She had a nickname for me, that I loved, when I was little. That nickname became my car’s name ❤️

  15. No, I have never named my car. I have several friends who did but I could never wrap my head around it. Of course, II never named half of my dolls and stuffed animals either.

  16. My van’s name is Sassy Sally. She beeps when you get too close to the yellow line or too close to the car in front of you. Its a Honda Odyessy 2014

  17. No, I’ve never named my car, but when my car is having trouble, I rub the steering wheel and say “Come on, baby, you can do it!”

  18. All of my cars have had names. My first car was a
    1968 Ford station wagon named George.
    Now I drive a Subaru, so his name is
    Japanese. 🙂

  19. My first car always had muffler issues. I thought it sounded like he had a low growl like voice. So I named him after a friend of the family who sounds the same way. “Bruce”

  20. The only name my cars have had is “Baby” … as I coax them to keep running or get the engine to turn over in bad weather 😉

  21. My first car was Sally the Sunbird 🙂 She was blue! My next car was Fred the Ford (white). My next car was Dilly Pickle (green). After that, there was Kelly the Kia (blue). Lastly, I drive Telly the Traverse (dark grey). I love naming inanimate objects 🙂 Oh, pick me, please!! Thank you 🙂

  22. My first car…saved all my pennies and it got me through high school and college before an 18 wheeler backed over the top of it. We named it The Beast! 🙂

  23. I call my 1988 Isuzu Trooper the Super Trooper! It has 400,000 miles on it and it keeps on moving! I drive
    I drive it to and from school every day! I am a preschool teacher!

  24. I named my first car “Wheeza”, named for Shirley McClaine’s character in Steel Magnolias. My car was an 86 red, Chevy Camaro, with no AC or defroster, a tape deck, and hand crank windows. Ahhh memories. That car was definitely fiesty like the character Wheeza. LOL!

  25. In 2009, I had an accident with my 1997 avalon on ice that totaled the car (value low). I had no money in sight to purchase a new car. Luckily I had rental car coverage through my insurance company (didn’t realize I had). On the last day of the covered rental, I received a check for $3,000.00 back from a secure credit card I cancelled months back after paying off the balance. I honestly forgot about receiving my money back after paying it off. I was able to purchase my 2007 used honda accord limited addition fully loaded. I remember sitting in the car crying and saying thank you Lord, I’m going to name this car “Kept” because you kept me and provided even though I didn’t know how. I sold Kept to car max in DE in perfect condition this summer. I get emotional every time I see one on the highway wondering if it was my car.

  26. frowing up my dad bought a 1950 car ( I grew up in the 70-80’s). We named the car ” Old Blue!” We always said go get in Old Blue! To this day I refer to that car as Old Blue!

  27. I called my car “the tank” when I was in high school because I had a 69 chevelle four door and I could run into anything and it wouldn’t get hurt, including concrete posts and other cars!

  28. No, but I talk to my car! When I’m driving and the weather’s bad, I’m low on gas or just stressed out, it just makes me feel better.

  29. We have sometimes given our cars pet names based on license tags–the small convertible with the letters BTN became “Button” since it was cute as a button!

  30. No, I don’t name my cars, but my husband does. We have an ’02 Prius called Greenpeace and an ’06 named Silverback. You can guess the colors. 🙂

  31. I had a Ford Fiesta that we called “Bumpy the Bumper Car” because my ex was from England he said the car reminded him of Bumper cars in the UK. The next car was a Ford Escort that we called Lumpy because it had a huge dent in the rear!

  32. In college, I drove a 55 Chevy that I called Elmore and I also drove a Delmont 88 named Snydly Whiplash. Both cars could carry a crowd!

  33. I have never named my car. My 18 year old daughter has a car named Dory. It is a blue Escape. She recites the scene from “Finding Nemo” when Dory says “Escape” but I don’t know how to get out!!

  34. Yes, my first car was the Silver Cricket because of the chirping sound it made when you locked it. My current car is called the boat.

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