Fill in the Blank!

Picture this with me if you will: It’s evening, and you have just finished cutting out what seems like a million fall leaf cutouts for tomorrow’s art center. The scissors fall from your slightly numb fingers, and you wipe the sweat from your brow as you glance at the clock. Sweet sassy pants—it’s still early! You have time to [fill in the blank]. Pleasing options tumble through your mind like socks in a dryer. If you were to ask me about my personal options, they would read something like this:


  • a bubble bath
  • a good book
  • a good book and a bubble bath
  • a good book and a bubble bath and chocolate
  • scrapbooking or something else artsy crafty (after which I’d probably need a bubble bath anyway to wash off the paint and glue)

How do you rejuvenate after a day of teaching and lesson planning? How would you fill in that blank?

8 thoughts on “Fill in the Blank!

  1. … I would get in my comfy PJs, grab a glass of wine, and watch some DVRed TV without doing any grading. I’d then head to bed at a respectable hour and do some reading (for fun) before bed.

  2. I try to take good care of myself. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, have a manicure once a month, & a mani pedi once a month. Whenever I can swing it, I LOVE to have a facial that includes upper body massage…..ahhhh.., On a regular basis, each night I have a nice shower and a good book before bed. That usually does the trick : D

  3. I come home to hug my dog, have a cup of herbal tea, visit with my husband, make a nice dinner, check email, message with my adult children, go to bed early. Despite my evening relaxation routines, as soon as I hit the pillow, school days and responsibilities fill my dreams.

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