February Giveaway

Happy February, y’all! It sure seems like January scooted out of here in a hurry. That’s perfectly fine with me. I’ve often thought winter months should be only 28 days long anyway. I’d rather tack the extra days on to a spring month—or better yet, a summer month! Yes sirree! Now there’s a plan!

So what about that giveaway? Here’s the deal. You tell me two skills you’ll be teaching during the month of February, and I’ll make sure your name is entered in a drawing for a free Mailbox book—any book you like! There’s only one catch. You must post your comment by midnight ET Tuesday, February 7, and sign my petition for shorter winter months. Oops! That’s two catches. Let’s just go with the February deadline! 🙂


Congratulations to Roxie! She’s the winner of our giveaway!

78 thoughts on “February Giveaway

  1. Two skills we will be working on is cutting, I work with young preschoolers and they will be making their own cards for their families. The other skill will be working on writing the letters in their names.

  2. We will be finishing up numbers to 20, graphing, adding numbers to 10, discussinng basic needs of plants and animals and all living organisms, discussing presidents, blending CCVC and CVCC words (yes I teach Kindergarten), and working on valentines, presidents and groundhog activities! PHEW! Alot for 29 days this month! 🙂

  3. Hi
    During February I will be teaching the kids all about the weather and they will be making their very own weather chart. We will be making a class project about Noah’s ark so they can learn all about the rain and also the animals.

  4. I am a 15 year veteran of the classroom turned homeschool teacher. My 3 & 5 year old, who are both reading, will begin learning Latin and Greek roots this month (seriously!- if they can learn words like pachycephalosaurus then they can learn that photos means light!) We are also teaching kindness with words and tone of voice, celebrating the use of kind vocabulary and how words are delivered to one another. Obviously we do a lot more, but those are just two of our new concepts commencing in February.

  5. February is filled with fun and excitement. We begin our month with a unit on Black History. Intergrated in that will be math and language arts skills. Of course, who could forget 100th day and Valentine’s Day. Our 100th day is on February 3, so we are only a step away. The kids are full of excitement and can’t what for the great 100th day to arrive!

  6. In February, my third graders will be working on multiplication. We are also starting a unit on Austraila and the students will be working on research projects. Where’s the petition- I’ll sign it in a minute! 🙂

  7. We will be studying about the color pink and color mixing to find out what two colors make pink. Then we will incorporate these colors into our valentine’s unit along with studying about the Presidents for President’s day. We will learn about money and who is on some of our money and we doing counting activities with money during this time.

  8. This month in Kindergarten we are learning to write our numbers 0-50, count to 100, the difference between nouns and verbs, writing 2-3 sentences about the same topic, and trustworthiness.

  9. We are talking about Native Americans and Fairy Tales, one of my favorite units. We write to a Disney Princess at Disney World to wrap up the unit and get an autographed picture back from her.

  10. In my multiage K-1 classroom we will be working on different vowel sounds and parts of speech. We will be celebrating the 100th day of school and doing lots of counting! We will learn about dental health in science. We will be learning about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in Social Studies, too. We will be celebrating February 29 by “Leaping into Reading” with the entire school. Good thing we have 29 days in February this year!

  11. In February we will discuss love, friendship, and caring for others. We will celebrate the 100 th day of School and begin learning how to care for our teeth during our Dental Health Unit. My class loves February!

  12. First off – for being the shortest month of the year, February always feels like it is the longest!!! We are always working on fine motor skills by counting and using tongs – we learn about dental health – found these great little teeth erasers and cant’ wait to use them as a manipulative! – We are also getting healthy – and will hopefully go to the police and fire station during out “the people in our neighborhood” week – I just needed a reason to have a sesame street week…. Can’t believe they don’t watch it – that is required homework!! Oh and we will still be working on number recognition as quite of few of my friends seem to have trouble with that! thanks!!! Oh and you can add my name to that shorter winter petition!!!! Needed no jacket to go outside today drove home with the windows down and the stereo loud!!! I live in PA.

  13. I teach a three year old class. This month we will have a dentist come to our classroom to talk about dental awareness and hand out new toothbrushes to the kids. We will learn about honesty and the importance of telling the truth when we learn about “honest-Abe” during President’s week. I am focusing on my classrooms social skills this month, February is a great time to teach on friendship, love, and how to work together in a group.

  14. My little preschool kiddos will be studying Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. (I can’t believe how many of the kids are not familiar with Nursery Rhymes!) We also will be reading Eric Carle books at story time, doing a craft that goes with the story, and then completing our Eric Carle unit with a field trip to our local Theater. The theater is showing “An Eric Carle” Production, and the actors will be acting out different Eric Carle Stories.

    I am all for shorter winter months, but I must admit that we have had a pretty mild winter here in Central Wisconsin this year!

  15. In Math, my second graders will be finishing up two-digit addition and subtraction and then starting telling time.
    In Reading, they will be learning about vowel digraphs and contractions.
    Glad we get an extra day for leap year to fit it all in! 🙂

  16. I teach Fundations so my students will be learning new sounds to drill as well as learn to write them through sky writing. In math we will be learning how to regroup in addition and subtraction.

  17. I have a 5th grade class and we are working on Geometry in February. We are currently learning about lines, and angles. /x/ We are also writing a persuasive essay, using propaganda techniques.

  18. My prek kids will be learning about dental health, dinosaurs, heart healthy habits this month. Along with that we will be working on math skills, ordering numbers, and science will be color mixing.
    We have not had really a winter here in Michigan this year. Today it was in the mid 40’s. But I would love to shorten the months and can we ditch daylight savings time too???

  19. We are working on rhyming words and same/different beginning sounds.

    If anyone has same/different beginning sound center ideas, please share. Thanks! 🙂

  20. In our Head start class we will be focusing on problem solving. Although we work on this all year, we will be stressing it through stories and good deeds.
    We also will be working on letter recognition and rhyming.

  21. My first graders and I will be covering one of my favorite units; dental health. We will also be reviewing telling time to the half hour and place value.

  22. Our third graders will continue to work on double-digit division and will move into geometry. We’ll be writing “Love is…” stories for Valentine’s Day.

  23. My 3 year-old children will be learning about dental health and along with a valentines celebration we will talk about how our heart works.

  24. My 3rd grade ESL class will be finishing up with fractions and then starting up with measurement in math. In Reading, we will be finishing up Theme/Author’s Purpose and then starting with Sequencing/Compare & Contrast. 🙂

  25. We will be discussing “Royal Manners” talking about manners and celebrating by having our Grandparents visit on the 14th. We will also talk about nutrition and exercise.

  26. My kindergarten class will be learning about Abraham Lincoln & George Washington, as well as working on dental health, ordinal number words and valentines.

  27. I am doing a unit on groundhog day (shadows/hibernation), president’s day (We will be doing various presidents with an activity. I get Teddy Roosevelt and teddy bears), valntine’s day (hearts: real and imitation), and black history.

  28. My 4 yr olds will be working on learning lots of vocabulary that goes with an ocen theme. The we will learn what it means to be loving and kind in a Valentines theme. At the end of the month we will have lots of fun with a pet theme.

  29. My 3 year olds will be completing a unit on hibernation and groundhogs. Then we will be learning about how our words and actions affect others’ hearts – manners/valentines by doing kind words and action chains to decorate the room with. They wil improve their use of cutting skills, fine motor and reading skills. They will also be working on their letters and name recognition. By using Sweetheart candies, they will improve their skills for color recognition, sorting, and their five senses: seeing (seeing the colors and reading), smelling and tasting (flavors), hearing (what are the words) and touching (moving them into groups/are they soft or hard),etc..

  30. I’ll be teaching more about solid shapes and comparing them alike and different. We’ll also be learning about president’s day, 100th day, Valentine’s Day, etc.

    Whew! February is a very busy week!

  31. In my preschool class we will be working on the letter V the color red, Black History, Able Lincoln and other presidents.So far they learn about the Groundhog’s Day. The book “Groundhog Gets A Say’ by Pamela Curtis Swallow. We than made a project by coloring a picture of a groundhog unsing a coffee filter the center was colored black for the hole and around the the filter was green for grass and a white contstruction paper was painted blue for the sky. All was glue on to the blue sky paper and the title and author was printed on it with a note stating “6 more weeks of winter”. How exciting to here there stories when they came to school the next day how they told family members about their day and what the groundhog says about winter.

  32. Combining dimes and pennies.
    Project Groundhog (science and math). This is a 6 week internet project with other schools. It has been lots of fun for my kindergartners. We got to name our groundhog “Winchester”. 🙂

  33. I am going to do a Unit on Dental Health and also study Washington and Lincoln for Presidents’ Day. We are going to use the idea for the Presidents in the February/March Issue of Mailbox.

  34. I am working on cutting skills with my 4/5 year olds. Building up those fine motor skills are so important for next year. And we are working on crossing the midline – helps with reading and writing.

  35. February we are practicing how to write our names, especially starting with a capital letter. Counting to 100!!! Great learners and so smart!!!

  36. I will be teaching Black History to my Preschool students, teeth and the importance of brushing, Valentine’s Day, and 3 Billy Goats Gruff

  37. We will be learning about different clothing (It’s the curriculum for our center), and we will be discussing dental health. We will also throw some Valentine’s Day? Friend ship ideas in the mix.

  38. My preschool class will be developing an appreciation of the Arts through Literature! We will be exploring visual art/collage with Eric Carle books, drama with The Three Little Pigs and music with Peter and the Wolf.

  39. I teach third grade and will introduce writing biographies, using Presidents. I will also make a simple machine out of cardboard wheels and a pencil to demonstrate a wheel and axle.

  40. We cover I Love To Read Month, Black History, dental health, heart health and Our Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln .

  41. We are the prescool bunch at Communiy Christian….The little ones are working being a friend and making friends…in centers and thought out the day..Happy Valentines to all.

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