Extend Your Reach: Teach Across the Ocean, Make a World of Difference

You work hard every day to nurture the students in your classroom to make them a little smarter, kinder, and wiser. But have you ever thought about reaching across the ocean to teach kids in China (that is, without getting on a plane)?

A US-based teacher named Sarah showed Tiantian in China how to read A, B, C, and opened his eyes to the world: California sunshine, Thanksgiving traditions, and American kids’ favorite foods like mac and cheese. Thanks to the VIPKID online platform, Sarah worked from home, made her own hours, and earned extra money to buy a new house. Both Sarah and her student’s lives were never the same again.

Teachers like you have the potential to make the impact that Sarah did. VIPKID creates a digital bridge to connect experienced, creative, committed teachers like you to eager young students in China who want to learn English and get to know the world.  Imagine the impact of helping the students in your US classroom and on another continent too! Here is a video to give you a sense of the deep bonds that you can create with children across the ocean:

Founded in 2013, VIPKID is growing quickly, with 200,000 Chinese students and 30,000 English-speaking teachers today. As a VIPKID teacher you’ll make your own hours, work from home, and bring your expertise and experience to your students in China. And don’t worry, you don’t need to know a word of Chinese.

VIPKID provides the curriculum so prep is limited; you bring your experience and enthusiasm. There are no forms to fill out, no homework to grade, and no standardized tests to give. You can earn $16-22/hr while enriching the lives of thousands of children eager to learn. Forbes magazine listed VIPKID among the top five work-from-home companies, and Kobe Bryant is one of the investors.

Whether you are in Dallas, Provo, Charlotte, or New York, your knowledge, your wisdom, and your smile can touch and inspire children 8,000 miles away in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.

“With VIPKID, I “travel” to China every day. My students showed me the breakfast churros they eat, their school mandatory uniforms, how they celebrate for Chinese New Year, and so many special things. And the sweetest thing is to know that for these little kids, their lives are a little different because of me.”–Teacher Nancy

“I won a trip to Beijing to visit the VIPKID office, my students, and tour China. By the end of the trip, the happiest moment for me was not seeing the Great Wall or the Tiananmen Square, but giving my student a warm, warm hug for the first time!”–Teacher Jessica

Earn more by doing what you love: teaching. The impact you’ll make knows no bounds.

Click here to get details.


PS: Check out the VIPKID YouTube channel, teacher blog, and Facebook page  to see teachers and students in action.

(This blog post is sponsored by VIPKID. Thank you for supporting brands that are committed to helping teachers and students.)

14 thoughts on “Extend Your Reach: Teach Across the Ocean, Make a World of Difference

  1. Hi Bowen,
    When you click on the link in the blog, go to FAQs. There’s a section there about Bookings that I think you’ll find helpful. Good luck!

    • Hi Diana,
      You set your own hours. When you click the link above, go to the FAQs. You’ll find information there about hours under Bookings. Good luck!

    • Hi Amy,
      Students are from all over China so you have the chance to impact lots of different kids in different places. Sounds like it could be a fit! 🙂

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