Don’t Miss Out!

It’s April 30, and you know what that means: it’s the last day to get your name entered in our April book drawing! Simply comment on any blog post made during the month of April, and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a new book from The Mailbox Books. Two winners will be selected.

Since it’s the last day of April, and because April is National Humor Month, I’ve got a giggle for you! This past Tuesday, I was getting my hair tended to. The salon was buzzing as usual and, as usual, my antennae were fully activated. That’s how I heard another customer telling a story about her young son. It went something like this:

“When I asked him how his day had gone, he gave his usual reply of ‘Fine.’ But a few minutes later he asked, ‘Mom, what’s a chick maggot?’

And I said, ‘A what?’

He said, ‘A chick maggot. Today my teacher said I was a chick maggot, and I don’t know what that is.’”

I let out such a big whoop that I had to confess to eavesdropping! Ha! I see a new angle for a lesson on magnets, don’t you?

Happy Friday!

PS: The contest is over now—congratulations to Darlene and Pammie, winners of our April drawing!

8 thoughts on “Don’t Miss Out!

  1. Last summer when I was teaching a summer program to get ready for kindergarten, one of the little boys came out of the bathroom stating that the “toilet sink” would not turn off. It took me a few minutes to figure out that he was talking about the urinal. To him it was actually a toilet that hung on the wall like a sink and since this was his first school expereince, he must have seen one before. I laughed for days about it. Kids say the funniest things sometimes.

  2. I always laugh at one of the stories a Parent told me.
    I teach preschool and have so for so many years I often have the all the sibs in a family.
    Each year I teach the children about leprechauns and we set traps and just have fun with it all week.

    Well K. was so excited that each day she would go home talking about the leprechaun and how we would get his gold and the mess the classroom was in and so forth. . Her older brother Z. must have gotten tired of listening to his little sisters stories of lephrechauns He apparently asked his Mother What is wrong with that Mrs. Taig? She is always lying to those kids. She lied to me all the time in preschool and now she is lying to my sister too. There is no such thing as leprechauns.

  3. I teach pre-k. We have a classroom job called Daily News. I have Daily News written on the white board, and next to it I have a picture of a newspaper. One day, one of my students raised his hand and said, “I know what that is. It’s a newspaper. My daddy takes one of those with him into the bathroom every time he goes!”

    I couldn’t contain my laughter!

  4. Last week one of my preschoolers was having trouble with his belt when he wanted to use the bathroom. He asked for assistance from a volunteer grandmother. She undid the belt for him and he then asked her to help him get it off. When she asked him why he wanted it off he replied, “So I can take my pants down.” She then explained that he didn’t have to take off his belt – that the belt would stay with his pants. A couple of minutes later she heard a little voice coming from the bathroom stall exclaiming, “IT WORKS!”

  5. I know the contest is already over, but I needed to share this about my grandson Jeremiah age 3. My husband had put a blue toilet bowl freshener inside the toilet bowl. You will only see the water blue when you flush. Jeremiah came over one weekend, he needed to use the bathroom. So he went inside to pee-pee. He came out screaming Da-Da (that’s what he calls his Granddad), my pee-pee not yellow no more, it’s blue. It was hilarious. But we explained to him why the water was blue. Thanks for reading.

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