Do-What-You-Want-to-Do Month

Happy July! Today I’m taking a teacher poll with comments. 🙂 I’d like to know what you think about making July the Do-What-You-Want-to-Do Month for Teachers.

I love the idea! Most teachers have had a few weeks to unwind from the breakneck speed of the school year. And while thoughts of the new school year are never far away, the start of school is still several weeks out. This makes July the perfect month for teachers to truly do what they want to do (when they want to do it)!

I’m wondering about the name of this special month. National Do-What-You-Want-to-Do Month for Teachers is a mouthful, isn’t it? Maybe National DWYWD Month for Teachers is better? Or perhaps we could use just the first and last words of the name… Oh, nope! That won’t work. Well, we can work on the name together if the idea is worth considering.  Whatcha think?

Voting yes,


11 thoughts on “Do-What-You-Want-to-Do Month

  1. Great idea Diane. I like it. Maybe after working out a month for teachers we can come up with a do what you want when you want month for Moms too.

  2. I don’t think this is anything that should be advertised at all. I work hard during the summer to get ready for the next year and have to constantly defend myself against the “well, you have all summer off-ers”

  3. I think DWYWD is a great idea. That is just about what I have been doing since schools ended. It’s good to take a break and forget about teaching and do what you want to refresh yourself. Come August I’ll be ready to start a new year.

  4. Sure, I’ll do what I want to do . . . camping in the great outdoors with my laptop as I write my grade standards in “I can” language for my students, in adult language for parents, and in checklist form for teachers! I hope to read at least one novel this summer. Christine, you are realistic! Make it a priority to get some time for yourself.

  5. Don’t forget those of us who teach summer school! That’s what I’m doing this month. August is my month off.

  6. A DWYWD month would be great! I am in an EC masters program and have 6 months left of class, so my summer is spent knee deep in homework and I attend conferences during the summer as well. As far as a name how about TRIP, teachers relaxing in peace.

  7. I’m definitely taking part in DWYWD month! I learned my lesson after last year. I spent last summer purchasing items for a co-worker who had been whining for 2 years that she just didn’t have enough of anything she needed in her classroom. After spending lots of time (& my own money) at garage sales, thrift stores, teacher stores, etc., I filled 4 huge boxes of classroom supplies for her. As it turned out, she got credit for being such a creative, wonderful teacher — and the principal chose her as teacher of the year.

    This summer I am taking care of me: watching World Cup soccer, reading books, vacationing, & just enjoying the break! 🙂

  8. Second to ourselves, celebrating DWYWD is probably one of the greatest gifts we can give our students. A rested, relaxed, unwound teacher not only looks friendlier, but that smile she/he is wearing is more likely to come from the heart.

  9. I am an Early Childhood Educator. I work and program for toddlers 2,3 and a couple preschool children. I program all year Sept till June. July & August are non programmed months, but we still do arts & crafts, science walks, freeplay indoors and out. The summer is still busy for me and my co workers as the children don’t run out of energy. We have two weeks vacation, and then we are back to getting ready for new children in September. September is very difficult for the new children starting daycare/preschool.July would be great as a do what ya want month.

  10. July is great for DWYWtD month!! We work so hard and often forget to take care of ourselves. This summer my 11 year old daughter, 9 year old son and I have gone to at least 7 Major League Baseball games and we’ve enjoyed the world cup at different venues. Do What You Want to Do but make it physical!! Get outside, get exercise, breathe the clean, fresh air and get the kids outside to play (or doggies). May God bless all the hardworking teachers this summer and renew our spirits so that we can begin the year with a healthy, wonderful start of year!!

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