Are you familiar with DEVOLSON? It’s a teacher-created acronym describing what is often a season of disillusionment for teachers. The acronym stands for Dark, Evil Vortex of Late September, October, and November. It’s real. I’ve lived it. It’s when the fresh start of a new school year, along with the personal goals you’ve set for that school year, disappear right before your eyes. You’re exhausted; you start questioning your effectiveness as a teacher; and you begin to ask yourself, “Is this the profession for me?” And it’s only November!

Here’s the honest truth. No one can answer that question except you. Research shows that roughly one teacher in ten will quit by the end of that first year. This is so, so, so very unfortunate.

If you know me at all, you know I’m going to have a few thoughts to share. So here they are!

  1. DEVOLSON is a rite of passage for great teachers. Think about it. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be frustrated and exhausted.

  2. It’s not just you. Even the most seasoned and terrific teachers fight falling into a funk during the months of October and November—often the most challenging months of the school year. My best friend, who has been teaching kids for 20+ years, went there this fall. (I brought her to her senses! She is a fantastic teacher.)

  3. If your heart is in this profession, you must stay in this profession. We need you. You can do this!

Maybe it’s time for a little Taylor Swift:

But I keep cruising

Can’t stop, won’t stop grooving

It’s like I got this music

In my mind

Saying, It’s gonna be alright.”

That’s right—do your best and just “shake it off.”

So what are your thoughts about DEVOLSON?


PS: Remember you can’t spell DEVOLSON with LOVE!

2 thoughts on “DEVOLSON?

  1. Oh my I beleive it but I also think its just plain being tired. In sept we work and work to get the kids adjusted to the new routine. All the while getting up early again after the lazy sleep in days of summer. Then comes Halloween which in a childs eyes begins on October 1. The reason it ends at the end of November is we get some r and r for the Thanksgiving holiday.

  2. Each year, I can count on the students starting to go get wild around mid-October. It lasts through the holidays. Things usually settle down when they return from the winter holiday break.

    We have all of next week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. I’m certainly looking forward to it! 🙂

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