Craft For a Rainy Fall Day

Typically, rain is a classroom theme that is reserved for spring. It makes sense because we all think of April showers leading to May flowers. But we all know that fall usually has its own set of rainstorms. (We’re currently having several rainy days here in Greensboro, NC!) And that’s when I started thinking about the lack of rainy fall crafts for the classroom. Rainy fall days are beautiful–and they aren’t getting the attention they deserve. So–I whipped up this rainy fall craft!

Have a child color and cut out an umbrella pattern (get the pattern here). Then direct her to color a 12” x 18” sheet of white construction paper with the side of an unwrapped gray crayon (or simply use gray construction paper.) Have her glue the umbrella to the paper. Next, instruct her to tear “leaves” from fall-colored construction paper. Have her brush glue over the lower portion of the page and then press the leaves in the glue. Finally, direct her to dip an unused toothbrush into blue paint and then tap the toothbrush on a finger to splatter the paper with “raindrops.”

To add a literacy connection, have the child brainstorm adjectives that would describe a rainy fall day. Then have her write them on a construction paper rectangle in the format shown and attach the paper to her project.




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