Better Than a Mug

I recently ran across a sweet meme that lists all the wonderful gifts the meme sender wants to give people for the holidays, most of which are delightful but impossible to give as gifts. It made me think about all the things I would like to give teachers, since you are deserving of so much and often receive so little. Rather than make a meme, I decided to do a list.

Gifts I Would Give to You If I Could

  1. Extra time when you want it and need it.
  2. A salary that is competitive with other careers.
  3. Glue sticks that never run out.
  4. Consistent support from administrators.
  5. Markers that have magically reappearing caps.
  6. A teacher dress policy of your choice.
  7. An hour long lunch period to do whatever you wish.
  8. Built in planning time.
  9. Eight hours of sleep every night.
  10. No more mugs for presents. Honestly, how many of those do you need?


Happy Holidays, teacher friends!

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