Backpack Storage

I’m curious—where do your students store their backpacks, tote bags, items for sharing, and so on? Do you have a system in place that helps reduce beginning-of-the-day and end-of-the-day chaos?

You know me, curious as ever!

8 thoughts on “Backpack Storage

  1. My classroom now has hooks outside our room for students to hang their coats and backpacks. They are just below the windows so we generally don’t have a problem with theft. I was fortunate that a generous volunteer mounted them onto a board and then onto the wall(with my principal’s blessing, of course). It has really cut down on students tripping over items and it’s one less thing to distract them. I love it!


  2. We have mounted hooks in the coat room and the kids put them there. We have never had any issues. For Letter Bag and show and tell the children bring those items in with them and lay them by my chair until it is time. We put the items back by their coat afterwards to keep things safe.

  3. I have two large laundry baskets that fit nicely under the counter. They stack them in the baskets each morning. When it’s time to pack up at the end of the day we just pull out the baskets.

  4. I have a large orange bin that near the door. The students drop their bookbags and jackets into the bin. I choose a child to pass out the book bags and jackets at the end of the day. Not perfect, but it works.

  5. We have hooks & cubbies. The kids come in with parents so they come in at various times usually not all at once. However, our dismissal can be a little crazy on “those” days! I have to say most days the children are very considerate of the others around them! I guess we have been forunate! We have had a few bumps on the head from the cubbies. Probably not the best design!

  6. Lunch boxes go in their cubbies with PE shoes and art shirts. Coats hang on the hooks and backpacks go on the floor under the coats.

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