Back-to-School Quiz

What? A quiz for back-to-school? You betcha! Of course, those of you who know me realize that my quizzes come with prizes. And this quiz is no exception! Everyone who takes the quiz before August 15 will be entered in a drawing for a back-to-school surprise from The Mailbox. Neat-o!

1. MyMailbox is a totally awesome and an absolutely free resource for all teachers.
a. true
b. false

2. The Mailbox Companion is…
a. where The Mailbox magazine subscribers get free online extras
b. a dating service for The Mailbox magazine subscribers

3. MyMailbox Idea Center Gold is a premium online membership that offers…
a. more than ten years of ideas from The Mailbox magazine, ten years of worksheets from Teacher’s Helper magazine, a free digital subscription to The Mailbox magazine, and lots more!
b. the current price of gold


Congratulations to Annette and Melissa! They’re the winners of our giveaway!

270 thoughts on “Back-to-School Quiz

  1. 1. MyMailbox is a totally awesome and absolutely free resource for all teachers.
    a. true

    2. The Mailbox Companion is…
    a. where The Mailbox magazine subscribers get free online extras

    3. MyMailbox Idea Center Gold is a premium online membership that offers…
    a. more than ten years of ideas from The Mailbox magazine, ten years of worksheets from Teacher’s Helper magazine, a free digital subscription to The Mailbox magazine, and lots more!

  2. A,A,A all the way. Mailbox is the best! I love it and it is a huge part of my kindergarten classroom each and every day!!!

  3. all A’s! I LOVE The Mailbox. That is where I get most of the ideas for my preschool classroom! Thanks for a great resource!

  4. 1. A!
    2. A!
    3. A!

    My Mailbox has kept me organized and looking great for several years. Thanks for the great materials and ideas.

  5. Well, that’s one way to get all A’s! 🙂

    1. A, 2. A, 3. A

    I’m a new Mailbox subscriber…and I’m loving it!!

  6. The answers to the quiz are:

    A, A, and A

    Although the dating site would be funny, I wonder how many men buy the mailbox, Ha Ha!!

  7. AAA – and like my triple a card, i take my mailbox magazine everywhere i travel and can access the online goodies too!!!

  8. A all the way. Just like The Mailbox. I have all of my old ones so that I can keep looking in them. I have even had other teacher start using The Mailbox.

  9. A, A, A
    I first used Mailbox when student teaching third grade. After getting a job at the high school level for many years, it was like finding an old friend when I moved to third grade a few years ago. Thank you for the wonderful resources!

  10. Triple A’s! I have all my Student Teachers look through both current and past issues of the Mailbox Magazine as they search for fun and creative lessons, art projects, etc.

  11. 1. A
    2. A
    3. A

    Great source of info. I have given some ideas to the Mailbox Magazines as well. Cudos to a great magazine!

  12. 1. A
    2. A
    3. A

    All A’s What a way to start the new school

    A -for awesome
    A for approval
    A for apple The approval and the awesome way to start the year. LOL Mailbox. Keep up with the great ideals.

    Elizabeth Garcia

  13. Definitely straight As – 1.A 2. A 3.A – Don’t know what I would do without the Mailbox – even if I may not use an idea from the magazine it trips off so many ideas in using your ideas in different ways that sometimes I can’t keep up with myself! So thanks for keeping my creative juices flowing!!!

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