Agree or Disagree?

Road-signHappy June, y’all! If your school year’s a wrap, hooray for you! If not, I’m guessing you’ll wrap up your year soon. Yippee for you!

Locally, our teachers have eight more days with students followed by two teacher workdays. Recent topics among my teacher buds have included end-of-the-year testing, field days, and required summer workshops. There have been stories about kiddos gone cuckoo, the agony of discontinued specials (music, PE, and such), end-of-the-year checklists, and the always dreaded report cards.

My teacher buddies weren’t really complaining (well, perhaps a wee bit). Mostly they seemed stressed. I asked them if they believe wrapping up a school year is more demanding than starting a school year. I was surprised that several replied yes, mostly due to the fact that by June, they are dog tired.

What do you think? Would you agree or disagree that the last week of school is more demanding than the first week of the school year? If so, what do you find most challenging?

Curious as always,


6 thoughts on “Agree or Disagree?

  1. I think the end of the school year is more stressful because you HAVE TO finish and get it all completed. If you are testing and a student is absent, ahhh, the frustration. Especially with the littles. It is so difficult to make things up. Time crunch, time,crunch. So many different assessments, benchmarks, language testing, measures of academic proficiency, dibels, and that is just Kindergarten! But wait, we need to go on our study trip too! Oh, and don’t forget to label your children’s work with the gate icon they are striving towards…..

  2. I have a harder time at the end of the year so much to do and so little time. By the time it rolls around I am just tired. September can be tough but I am more rested from the summer vacation

  3. Yesterday was the students’ last day. It was also field day. And a few days before that was pre-k graduation. Today was a teacher workday. I am so tired, I do not have the energy to unload my vehicle or my husband’s truck. Both are packed to the gills. My campus is being used for summer school, so we were told to take all of our personal teaching supplies with us. My house is going to be one giant storage unit for school supplies for about 3 months. Of course, I have to empty the 2 vehicles first. Right now, I just want to crawl into bed. I’m exhausted!

  4. The last weeks of school…very exhausting! This year -quite emotional too as many many of our staff and students are moving to different schools. Sad and good as we will all be under the same roof next year instead of having 9 classrooms outside our main building. Very much enjoying summer break.

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