A Golden Giveaway

Today is the first Friday in the month of March, and this means (drumroll, please) it’s giveaway time here at The Mailbox Blog! This month, I have a pot of gold waiting for the winner—seriously! To enter this month’s giveaway, simply share your opinion about the statement below before midnight EDT Friday, March 14.

Teacher language, what we say to students and how we say it,

is one of our most powerful teaching tools.

—Paula Denton, The Positive Classroom, “The Power of Our Words”Lep Blog Art


PS: Have you heard where the leprechaun found his gold? Yes sirree, he found it at TheMailbox.com! You can find “Gold” there too! Check it out!

Congratulations, Joanna! You have won a pot of gold and a new book from The Mailbox!

73 thoughts on “A Golden Giveaway

  1. I believe this statement is very true. If the teacher does not believe in the child how can the child succeed? If we speak to a child with encouragement, in a positive and caring way we tell that child we believe in their abilities and in them. And most importantly we may be the only person who does believe in the child.

    • So True! As a teacher when we teach we are pouring into a child whether it’s positive or negative. I feel that a teacher should be a nurturer, seed planter, encourager, a cheerleader, and a friend to their students. We should use every opportunity to sow and water seeds of kindness into the life of a child.

  2. This statement is very true. Not only does it impact how the child feels, they repeat it in their in their play. I have had many parents over the years tell me their child had said something I said at school in their play.

  3. Absolutely true! One can make or break a person”s spirit with their words. We are sometimes the only constant in these children’s lives, so we have got to monitor not only what we say but HOW we say it.

  4. Absolutely. Children love and look up to their teachers as role models. If we come to class with patience, a positive tone and uplifting feedback. They will also come to school and address their work with the same attributes. We as teachers should always build on their strengths not their weaknesses.

  5. Definitely! Our words and tone can uplift or discourage, excite or disenchant a student. So many of the students at our school do not get encouraging words at home so it is crucial to their success in many areas of their life the way that we speak to them. Even if it is a negative action that needs to be taken, it can be given positively.

  6. I agree with this statement 100%! They way a teacher speaks to children in the classroom says a lot. If you talk to a child with respect most will give you respect in return. As a teacher of young children you are preparing them for how to handle themselves in the real world. Children are with their teacher many hours day and they deserve to be spoken to and treated like they matter!

  7. I do believe in this statement!! It is all about how you communicate. I always have little ears around me so even when I talk to another teacher they always hear, so I need to be sure the words I use are words I want my student to use, that way they can build friendships with one another. We need to set that example for them. They know if we are having a bad day just by the words and the tone we use.

  8. Everything we say to our students is key to their learning -if there is sarcasm or disdain in our voices, they feel shamed or unloved. If there is admiration and pride in our voices, if we are always encouraging and never demeaning, they will be willing to try more new things and will be much more willing to succeed.

  9. This statement is so true! As teachers, we spend hundreds of hours with our students every year. Many days, we might spend more hours with with a child than his or her parents. We have to be aware that what we say shapes and molds children. We need to say things in a caring and calm manner, never sarcastic or hurtful. We are constantly modeling how to interact with others, both children and adults, and many times, we’re the best example of this in a child’s life. Some things my former teachers said to me and my peers have stuck with me – for better and for worse!

  10. We may be the only ones to say something positive. We may even be the only ones say anything to them that day! It does make a difference.

  11. Speak to children as people and not “down” to them. It is important to speak honestly with even the youngest children. Most of the time, my Kinders are wise beyond their years and sense when adults are not honest with them.

  12. I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. What we say and how we say it to our students is incredibly important. With our words, we have the ability to build up or tear down students. The funny part of all this, is I am just working on teaching this lesson to my students, trying to help them understand the power of their words.

  13. The way we speak to children molds the way they react to us and what we want from them. I often use humor in my lessons to make the students laugh and feel a bit more comfortable. Also, I don’t make it seem like I am a superhero, and they are the civilians. There is a clear line between teacher and student, but there is a level of respect in the way I speak to them, which, in turn, is reflected back by them.

  14. Very true! You can make or break a child by the way you speak to them. Speak with love when you talk to them and they will react in a positive way.

  15. Students need to know that their teachers support them, trust them, and are sincere. If your body language, tone, and actions don’t support that idea, then you will lose the child.

  16. When you think that we teachers are with our children 5+ hours a day for 180 days a year for 12 or more years of their lives, how can you even begin to deny what a powerful impact our words and actions have on children’ s lives. That’s over 10,000 hours !

  17. Both the tone of our voice and the words we choose to use speak volumes to the children we teach. It can also be disconcerting for children when the two don’t match. We need to thing about what words we choose to use and the message our face, body and voice project in the classroom especially when we are hurried or find ourselves in difficult or stressful situations.

  18. I find this to be true. What we say, and how we say it can make or break a students feeling about school and his/ herself.

  19. Anyone who teaches can tell you that we do MUCH more than teach our students the academic content that they need in order to be successful with their continuing education. We also mold and shape our students to become respectful, responsible human beings. We model this with everything we do and say, so our actions and words must be carefully executed!

  20. Being an educator is one of the most important jobs in this world. It is up to us to decide how we will handle this opportunity given to us. This can be in our demeanor, our attitude and especially our language. Be sure to use kind words, it may be the only kind word that student hears all day. Model language, build vocabularies.. talk to your students. Let them know what they have to say is as important as what we have to say.

  21. Children observe body language and emotions. Children deal with language better when the adult is at their level compared to standing up. Children notices anger first before what is being said. It is so important to remember that a calm teacher is more effective.

  22. What we say to the students is a reflection of ourselves. Not all students get the encouragement they need from home so what we say to them will stick with them forever. You can never take back words that are spoken. A positive word will give a positive student a negative word will give a negative student.

  23. I have just started my teaching career as a 4th grade teacher. Love my students and it is so important for them to know I care and expect great things for them. COnstantly trying to encourage and build them up but also expecting respect in return.

  24. How true, how true. I tell the parents of my students all the time, “Be careful what you say to your child or even around them. They will repeat exactly what you say.” And the spoken word is a very powerful tool, it can lift you up or tear you down. We as teachers are to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers. Everything we say to our children should be that of encouragement and motivation. We should help them reach for the stars. We should be using our words to teach how to treat others also. You know the old saying, “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” And the golden rule also applies “do unto others as you would like others to do to you.” If we all lived by these principles there would be no bullying.

  25. So true! Our “teacher language” will be reflected by our students. And, just as important…we also need to be skillful listeners!

  26. Oh gosh, I totally agree with this statement. Another thing is that our actions speak louder than words! We should all be very careful about signals we are sending our students…..thank you for sharing this quote. I think I will definitely be more cautious!

  27. Not only what we say, but the tone is so important. Action speak louder than words, so we must always be aware of what we say and how we say it.

  28. The tone and facial expressions that go along with a teacher’s words are crucial to a child’s understanding. Whether the teacher is cheering, praising or disciplining his/her young students, experience with the delivery will better convey the intended outcome.

  29. Of course our words are powerful! Have you ever overheard your students talking and “heard” yourself? Many of my expressions and mannerisms come back to me…sometimes to haunt me and other times to tickle. It’s always a great reminder to think before speaking, especially when frustrated!

  30. This is a very true statement. Our tone and the way we speak to students and other adults can create a classroom environment that either encourages or discourages risk taking respect. The language we use is also a model for our students. They repeat what we say and copy the language we use.

  31. I agree. More and more students are coming in with bad grammar or improper sentence structure in their language. Modeling is the best way to correct! I also use the “parrot trick”.
    If my students use an incorrect verb tense or need to structure a statement as a question, I reply with the correct usage and they repeat. It’s natural for them to do so and they don’t feel embarrassed….I find more often than not that they don’t make the same mistake.

  32. I think if we all reflect on our own educational experiences, it will add weight to this statement. I know my best years were spent with teachers who were kind and thoughtful about students, while being firm and consistent. I got my inspiration to be a teacher from more than one of them, and I hope I pass that along to my students.

  33. So true, Children are like sponges. They soak up the verbal language that are taught to them and wipe their lessons with glowing faces when the teacher and student communicate with no grime. They squeeze out every effort to learn new things. Students are renew when they hear his/ her name praised for a well job done. It all by the language communication between the relationship of a teacher and student .

  34. So very true! A student that is encouraged and spoken to with respect will be confident and willing to learn. When a person is confident and willing that person will succeed.

  35. This is very true!! We need to encourage the little ones we have been entrusted with. The words and actions we use might be the only positive they hear that day.

  36. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. Also, we need to remember that parents are their children’s first teachers!

  37. Every word that leaves your mouth echoes in the way it is spoken–the ripples go on and on and are remembered forever……..

  38. yes i think that , that statement is very true. you have to speak to the children in the correct way so that they learn to understand how to speak correctly.

  39. I agree and would add how we act about a topic is a powerful teaching tool. We as teachers should be excited about what we are teaching if we expect our students to get excited about it too!

  40. “Teacher language, what we say to students and how we say it, is one of our most powerful teaching tools.”
    I truly believe that students will remember how you treat them and how you talked to them even more so than the lessons that you taught them.

  41. This is so true. Sometimes the tone of voice is what gets the students attention. Sometimes it takes a whisper…. sometimes a loud voice, but tone of voice works differently which each student. Students react to the tone in your voice, whether it is to stop doing something or to give a hug. Each time you say something it will make an impact in your students lives.

  42. When I was a child, I saw a poster on the train that made a tremendous impact on the kind of parent and school teacher that I am today. The poster had a picture of a small child with a tear running down his face. The caption: “Words hurt.” That was more than 40 years ago that I read that sign. I pray that I am always aware of myself – words and actions, so that I encourage and build up my students and my colleagues. I want to be a positive impact on my kiddos. 🙂

  43. I think that when teachers choose their words, not only should they be positive, but specific. It is our job to give meaningful praise and support, If we expect quality from our students, we should give them quality right back!

  44. I totally agree!! As a teacher AND parent, my children have seen their share of incredible teachers, and teachers that…well….Anyway, they can always remember the not so nice things that have been said to either them or their classmates. What we say, and how we say it is so critically important! I always treat my little kinders as how I’d want a teacher treating my kids.

  45. I truly believe this on so many levels. I always feel that children to be talked to respectfully. If we do not respect the children and show that we value their opinion how are they going to learn in return how to value and respect others. Also along with language it is our job to encourage the children to think deeper and maybe even outside the box. What we say and how we say it can really aide in this.

  46. I agree wholeheartedly! Our tone of voice and body language is the most powerful teaching tool. It can have a negative or positive affect on our lessons that we teach and how the children believe we think of them. It makes us unapproachable or approachable to them. It can change the perception of how they view us as a teacher.

  47. That statement is so true. We teach more than just academics. Our language, attitude and overall morals highly influence students. It is so important to always speak to them appropriately.

  48. I agree with this statement! As educators it is up to us to show our students how to care for others through the right choice of words. They will always remember how you showed them the correct, caring way.

  49. So true, It’s not only what we say, how we say it but our body language. Children can tell how you really feel by how you react to them.

  50. I completely agree with this statement. Our kids will always remember how we treated them. Our words may be the only kind words they hear.

  51. This statement reminds us as teachers that our communication with students should be well thought out and deliberate. Effective communication consists of much more than just words. The vocabulary we choose, eye contact, warm facial expressions, and the tone and volume of our voices all contributes to communication that gets across to our students. I have learned that I can be firm when needed as long as I also communicate kindness and respect for that child at the same time.

  52. I believe that statement is totally true! We have to encourage children to believe in themselves and what we say can really have a big impact. By saying things in the wrong tone or with the wrong words we can damage a child’s spirit and that is terrible. I also believe we as teachers need to also follow the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated:)

  53. I totally agree with the quote – we don’t remember everything we say, or that others say to us, but everyone remembers exactly how they felt when they were spoken to …. so always be sure to say things in a kind and considerate tone of voice and use your best non verbal communication skills while you’re at it! THANKS!

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