A Fishy First Friday Giveaway

There is definitely something fishy about this month’s First Friday Giveaway! The adorable plush and slightly plump fish pictured here caught my eye (yes, that pun was intended!) because of its color and gigantic smile. I then learned that my new finned friend was the main character in The Fish with the Deep-Sea Smile, a story written by Margaret Wise Brown. This of course made him super-duper special.

Clementine, the temporary name I’ve given Fish, is sure to be a great book buddy and could also be the focus of a fun-filled character study. If you’d like to enter for a chance to welcome Clementine into your classroom (along with a copy of his book and a pack of 144 colorful fish stickers) leave your answer to the following question right here on the blog before midnight, March 11, 2018. Good luck! Clementine is a real cutie!

When is your spring break?


Ready for some sunshine!


PS: Hooked on prizes? Swim on over to Karen’s blog, she has some goodies to give away too….


Congratulations to Monica, the winner of this month’s First Friday Giveaway!

284 thoughts on “A Fishy First Friday Giveaway

  1. Our Spring Break is March 12th – 16th (YAY!) and we are also lucky to have Good Friday (March 30th) off as well (as long as there are no bad weather days between now and then …fingers crossed!)

  2. Spring Break for Hawaii’s public schools is March 18-25, then schools are off on Monday the 26th for Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day, a State holiday, and on the 30th, Good Friday. However public libraries are open during Spring Break so we’ll be welcoming families who come to borrow books and more, and attend programs.

  3. Our Spring Break begins March 23rd and we return to school April 2nd. So, my Spring Break begins at 2:52 p.m. on March 22nd, but realistically, I won’t get o0ut of my classroom by then!

  4. Our Easter Break is Good Friday and the week after Easter. My son’s Spring Break is the week before Easter.

  5. We only get Good Friday and the Monday after Easter. No week long Spring break for this WV Mountain Teacher.

  6. We home school and haven’t decided yet. We generally take Fridays off so they’ll definitely have that time to hang out. We may do something more calm like videos and lots of extra reading (instead of workbooks and intensive studies) and themed worksheets/coloring instead of having a full break. There’s always a chance we may need to do something later in the spring, though, so we could take time then! This book would be great for when we circle around to studying ocean animals this summer!

  7. Wow! Looking at these comments, lots of people have spring break a lot earlier than we do. Our spring break is April 23 – 27.

  8. Our spring break is cut short because our governor decided that schools will start after Labor Day this year and end before June 15th. So, instead of having a week and a day for Spring Break, we only have Friday March 3rd – April 2nd. Very different for us!!

  9. I don’t get spring break because I work in an Early Headstart Program and we are year round. I do have a few days off as a vacation and go back to work on Wednesday.

  10. We have the Good Friday off and then the whole next week in April. Clementine sounds like a great name! I would love to have it and the book for my classroom

  11. We do not have a Spring Break. We do get Good Friday off, but not for Spring Break. Many schools around us have the week before Easter off.

  12. We don’t get spring breaks in ny preschool program. We go all year. Would love this book for my kiddos

  13. I teach at a year round school somour spring break is a little different. We have off from march March24-April 19.

  14. We don’t really get a spring break at my preschool but some of the families are taking off next week since my center is affiliated with a university.

  15. We don’t have a spring break at my school. We get the Friday off before and the Monday off after Easter. Makes for a long time without a break from January till April!

  16. We have off March 28-April 2nd but since my class only meets Tuesday through Thursday, I guess I only have March 28 and 29.

  17. I work in a center open all year around, so we don’t get a spring break 😉 But we are closed for a half day on Good Friday!

  18. It’s sad that Spring Break begins on March 31st and we will be hanging around the house as we have a new driver, needed to find a third car and he is also in the band so he went to Disney World to study with Disney Musicians. Oh the places he will go. Spring break is the first week of April. I really need some sun.

  19. Our spring break is the week of April 23rd. We just had our February break and another snow day today. WOW I get so much done in a 4 day school week!

  20. I have 5 Prek children who will be on Spring break March 19, I also have 12 wrap around children. No Spring break for them or me.

  21. Our Spring Break begins in Plant City, Fl on March 12????????????. Wishing our weather would be a little warmer but we’ll take it!

  22. Our spring break is the last week of March. Looking forward to Spring cleaning, taking care of my home and garden and re-energizing!

  23. Our spring break is the week before Easter, but we will have to give back three days. We used over the allotted snow days the calendar permitted.

  24. We don’t have a March Spring break but we have a week off in mid-April. Counting the days until the nice weather arrives and we can get outside!

  25. It was supposed to be the last week in March. However, due to too many snow days, we don’t have a Spring Break now. We just have Thursday and Goid Friday off.

  26. We have only a half day on Thursday (before Eatser) and the Friday before off. We lost Wednesday and Monday to snow days.

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